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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. Applied for a State ID woot! Now to study for the license :D

  2. waiting sucks

    So have you already been accepted? It must be desperate not being able to check your status online like everyone else.
  3. 90 days counting holidays and weekends? That sounds like an awful long wait You need to begin counting after your biometric appointment, not before that.

  5. Depending on the bank, but old statements can take weeks to arrive and a fee is charged. I tried getting mine and it would take 2 weeks to arrive, I only requested from 2007-8 and it was extremely expensive =/
  6. So you've been invisible since you got here, you must have something. You need something to cover from 2007 to 2012 and proof that you entered the US before the age shown in the requirements.
  7. Working Days Calculator

    Aww Luna! We are all rooting for you!!
  8. Pretty recent, it will take some time.. patience is what you will be needing. You should be getting a letter within a week, then another to get the biometrics letter.
  9. You get a text message, email, or a letter. Since you haven't given any information, I can't say for sure if you will be getting the first 2.
  10. That's because they could get in trouble for hiring an illegal immigrant, specially if you were a minor. Hope your situation get better soon and don't ever stop working to archive what you want in life.
  11. waiting sucks

    It is worth a shot, you've been waiting a lot already.. can't hurt to try and give them a call..
  12. SSN Question

    Yes you can, but it is not recommended to carry your ssn card or copy with you. Your best bet is to take it with you to apply for whatever you are applying for and then leave it at home. Just memorize the number
  13. Working Days Calculator

    Took me 21 days.
  14. I'm planning to resume my career, get directly hired by the company where I work.. (No more agency yay!)(Hello medical insurance), My dad is giving me his car when I get the license and he will be getting a new one.. no issues with me getting a car right now. It is still pretty new
  15. Hi everyone

    Welcome Cinthya! Glad to hear you got approved. I wish we would get a SSN assigned when our EAD goes into production, the waiting for the approval, then the production of the card, then for it to be mailed, then to apply for a ssn, then wait for the ssn to arrive, then for the license and wait for the license to arrive in the mail. Such a long process!! They need to fix that
  16. You don't even have a month waiting yet Expect close to 30 days, with luck less than that.
  17. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    All you need is a US ID, it doesn't matter if it is an ID or a License. If you don't have a US Identification/License, then it is recommended to use your non-expired passport.. take the EAD and The letter you got giving you deferred action just in case. Once at the checkpoint, simply present the passport.. that's all they ask.
  18. About employment...

    I'm sure all professional places are using the E-9 which is the E-Verify, I know where I work they use that to make sure people hired by the company are legal in the US or have a legal work permit. I would be straight forward with them, but if you haven't been approved yet then I don't think you should take the job. Good luck on whatever you decide to do
  19. Sister got accepted yesterday!! OMG So happy we both got accepted!!!

  20. There's a post with info about this, let me search for it and post the link. Here is it. http://forum.adreamact.com/topic/799-what-to-do-with-itin-after-receiving-ssn/ Read it.
  21. Back from the Social Security Office, everything went smooth and no mention of the 10 days wait! I asked if I could come back for a printout of the number and she said they are not allowed to in that office. But the SS Card should arrive within 2 weeks. YAY!

  22. I Dont Feel Like.....

    I'm sure we all are going to go through busy times when we finally get a ssn and a license. I think it is common sense and everyone should be aware of such thing, this is an open discussion forum and no one need or should have to be online 24/7 which isn't the case Everyone helps when possible