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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. So, do you think the insults are justified?
  2. MINORS (under 18)

    I'm pretty sure that only happens on busy states, but the rest will do it without any issues. Best of luck and drive safe!
  3. You are right Itzel. It wasn't a typo, and I'm giving you a public warning right now. If you insult directly or indirectly to anyone else, I will personally give you an account warning. Not everyone thinks like you, learn to respect others. This topic is now closed. PS: I encourage you to make new topics without insulting anyone and everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as there's no harassment and/or insults involved. Gracias!
  4. MINORS (under 18)

    They won't be signing any legal documents, so a parent isn't required.
  5. Getting a state ID

    Here in RI, you can't have both.. it is either one.
  6. I kind of have to agree with PSWA this time. In my case, I grew up in the States since I was 13 years old and I can barely remember my life over there. My life has ways been here and will continue to be for as long as I'm allowed. Just because someone feels more on the side of North Americans, doesn't mean they forgot where they came from.. they just simply don't remember much about their country. If I had to choose between the country that I was born in and the US, I would choose the US. The US gave me the opportunity that my "own" country didn't give to my parents. Whether someone sees you as a Hispanic or not, it does not matter. You know your own self and that's all that matters.
  7. Getting a state ID

    Interesting.. That website doesn't seem to be accurate. It says in RI you pay close to 27 and it is valid for 5 years.. Which is not true.. It is valid for 4 years. I would just get the cheapest one and then get the other one after because minors Id has a different color than adults.
  8. Ugh, I don't have the day off on Monday.

  9. If you could change one thing...?

    Already gave my opinion, feel free to make a copy and add it into this topic. :-)
  10. waiting sucks

    Hey, who cares what others say about you? People judge others all the time because they have nothing better to do than run their mouth, just ignore them and continue with your life. There's a positive side on being accepted after all your friends/siblings.. when it is time to renew the EAD, yours will still be valid for extra days or weeks.. you will be able to learn what's really needed to renew and how your local EAD Office works. You can just take what they want and get it renewed right away. Let's hope next week is your week
  11. waiting sucks

    Did you do a walk-in? What's your friend's and sister's age? What about yours? Which center were your documents sent to? Every case is different and that might happen. In my case, my sister and myself went to the Biometrics the same day and time as described by the Biometrics appointment sheet. It was October 5th as well. I got approved a week ago and yesterday received the EAD, while my sister has been in Initial Review and still is. Don't lose hope, keep yourself busy and eventually you will be receiving the news. This is the reason why I haven't told anyone about getting accepted, because I know my sister would feel the anxiety in knowing why she hasn't been accepted yet. But to each their own. Good luck and don't ever lose hope -hug-
  12. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    Not here, I have drove to NY, TN, AZ, TX, NJ and some others. Never have been to a checkpoint. The only checkpoint was when we almost crossed from the niagara falls, NY to canada lol..
  13. What did I said? Lmao typing fast on a phone while working isn't the best idea. Then you will be starting with a good credit
  14. Hope your words are heard my friend. We all are anxiously wanting the dream act for permanent residency. After receiving my EAD I will just go apply for a SSN Can't do much with just the EAD hehe
  15. usps

    Someone stole it from your mailbox? You should report it to the police and call to get a replacement. The mailman here didn't required a signature and left it in the mailbox.. that is just weird. Hope they find yours and return it.
  16. It takes a day or two for the status to say that the card was picked up by USPS after you get approved. Mine got into production on the 3 days after approval because it was a friday, it usually goes into production the next day and shipped a day later. I just received my card and letter or approval today in the mail.
  17. Got my EAD in the mail! Damn I look like a sexy beast! :P

  18. Waiting for my EAD, it's been a few days already but not a full week.. Just hoping to have it by today or tomorrow to apply for a ssn next week.

  19. In RI we do qualify for it.
  20. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    I had no idea we have checkpoints on the road
  21. Traveling WITHIN the US (Domestic)

    Yep, you can use your foreign passport to travel within the US. They don't check your immigration status when traveling within the US. I Good luck and best of luck on your trips and congrats on getting approved!
  22. Not everyone turns their back, it is just the way things are happening. We've been waiting for years and finally we get something.. We want to do everything we haven't been able to do for the past few years. Get a career, better jobs, a house or a car (those with savings) or even travel for sometime.. Enjoy life before starting to work. There are so many reasons. But eventually a lot go back to helping. You can't ask people to restrict themselves and keep helping when they've been restricted their whole life. Takes time and we only get two years.. Time is precious :-)
  23. Apparently USPS picked up my EAD yesterday from the USCIS Office, gosh I'm being impatient.

    1. Alex


      How do you know that

    2. NilviaRR


      @Alex, if you check your case status online it will tell you where its at... to do so u have to go to uscis.gov and enter your receipt numbers (There are two of them, so make sure you check both) and it will tell you when the postal service has picked up your card if it has already been approved and made! Good luck, and hang in there!

    3. NilviaRR


      @Rawf, hang in there!! It won't be too long now!!!! :)

    4. Show next comments  90 more
  24. Shady lawyers?

    Go and ask that attorney, or if it's been more than 30 days you can always call and ask what's going on. Maybe the letters got lost, and he sure doesn't want to miss the biometrics or the case might get closed. Just call them.