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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. It hasn't been two weeks yet. I would wait this entire week and see if she receives anything. If not, give USCIS a call and tell you about your friend's situation.
  2. Well tell your friend to join us and ask him/her self. Are you referring to the official letter that USCIS sends with your case number?
  3. My only recommendation is for you to do a walk-in on Monday just to be sure. They will take you in without problems if you ask nicely. Your other option would be to call and ask if the ASC Office will be open on Tuesday.
  4. Travel permit !!

    You can only have the advance parole approved for emergency cases, such as close family sickness. At the time of your return, you will have to present documents to prove why you went out. It is entirely up to the person who reviews your documents to let you back into the US, but he/she can also deny the entrance at any time. It is a tricky thing to do, I would recommend talking to a lawyer about it.
  5. Firearms?

    This topic has been moved to General Discussion.
  6. They don't work on weekends, I don't know why people are counting weekends and holidays
  7. Proof of being in U. S. before age 16?

    This sounds a little off. He was brought to the US at the age of 15, has no school or medical record? Photos are only good if they are dated, otherwise they are pointless. Receipts, Bills, and such papers will work. There's usually a solution, just have to dig deeper. Good luck!
  8. This is the app I assume? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.spinachsoftware.immigration.uscis.casestatus&feature=more_from_developer#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEwMiwiY29tLnNwaW5hY2hzb2Z0d2FyZS5pbW1pZ3JhdGlvbi51c2Npcy5jYXNlc3RhdHVzIl0.
  9. Interesting, looking at this link (http://www.editgrid.com/user/doctorwho/DACA_Nebraska), someone who went to the bio app on 10/04/12 which was a day before us got his approval on the 10/24/12 which is like 13 days without counting weekends and Monday the 8th because it was a holiday. 14 days for us. I guess patience is all we need
  10. You don't have the process like most of us on our signature, so I can't see how long it's been since you got your official letter of approval. But what I can say is that it took mine almost a week before it was updated on the site, I also kept getting the message you were getting.
  11. The waiting is killing me! :(

    1. Rh_ny
    2. ツ alejandriiukz ㋡

      ツ alejandriiukz ㋡

      Feeling is mutual hopefully this week since it is about to be a week :D

  12. My biometrics was on the 5th of October and I haven't heard anything yet, even the status at the uscis website says initial review.. it hasn't move from there for 3 weeks.
  13. After EAD...After SSN...

    You sure are moving fast C! I'm glad things are turning out pretty good for you
  14. Wait.. the original birth certificate or the certified translated one?
  15. thoughts about this......

    Those IDs already exist over here, but it also has a message saying it wasn't made by the government and most places don't accept it. It's weird.
  16. Biometrics Fingerprint Machine

    I have the same exact "issue" with my middle finger, except it is the left hand LOL!
  17. Will you?

    I have always wanted to leave my organs to someone who needs it if somethinghappens to me.
  18. Drivers Liccense/ID...SSN

    Hm you aren't supposed to renew the SSN. It doesn't expires.
  19. Confused

    It is the receipt that the USCIS received you package. It doesn't mean anything.. just the arrival of the package you sent. You probably used a certified form of mail.
  20. I'm planning to initiate my permanent residency documents as soon as I can and consult with an attorney. The 2 years work permit is very nice, but limited and it just doesn't cut it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad this opportunity was given and I will do my best to do what I can to better myself with it.. but my plans surpass the two years and some of them require more than a temporary solution. I may sound selfish, but I've been in the US for so long, raised here and this is the only country I know. I want the opportunities everyone who are permanent residents have at the moment as well and to have that I need to work even harder.

    She received her EAD Card already.. Friday or today
  22. Question please help

    When you present proof of identification it must match with your forms. Use the name on your identification card or passport and list any other names in the last page where it lets you add extra information and other names used.
  23. Don't you have be outside the US to be eligible? You can read the following instructions if you would like: http://travel.state.gov/pdf/DV_2014_Instructions.pdf