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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. I need help!!!

    If your parents are still alive, you should ask them. If you never left the country when requested, then you might have a criminal record. What I don't know if such record applies to you since you were a minor. You will have to wait for the status check before sending out the application.
  2. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    Such information can be found on i-765instr. It is the instructions for the I-675 on page 6 section C.
  3. Story Time!

    trying to play a..
  4. deadine

    Just make sure everything is in order and send it when you are absolutely sure. Like John said, don't rush it. Good Luck Jessica.
  5. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.5af9bb95919f35e66f614176543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=880264337c77e210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1RCRD Courtesy of pswa83
  6. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    What do you mean with that? Which application?
  7. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    Brandon if you add 380+85 it equals to 465. Go to a store and get a single money order for the total of $465. You can send it to either address, the US Postal Service is the normal way to send it, you can also use the Express Mail which arrives faster.
  8. Deadline????

    From what I read in one of the applications, it expires in 2013.
  9. Story Time!

    which was a bad...
  10. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    Edited and added some more information.
  11. Story Time!

    I cleaned something that...
  12. I'm also sending a bank statement showing a transaction I initiated on June 14th, 2012 as I didn't buy anything on June 15th , a bank statement shows transactions on the 14th and 16th. That should be more than enough. But an Attorney will be doing all the paperwork for me soon.
  13. If you enter the US illegally you won't have an alien number. They also require a photocopy of your photo with a digital fingerprint which can be found in a passport, but don't worry if you don't have it. There are other options.
  14. What to Fill and Where to Send It!

    I filled out all 4 myself. I think it is required.
  15. How big is your application packet?

    Do you have any way to identify yourself? Some kind of government issue identification? College, High School ID?
  16. Story Time!

    To play and dance...
  17. How big is your application packet?

    It says they might request the originals only if something isn't clear.
  18. How big is your application packet?

    I would never send the original, unless they specifically state it. The only original document I am sending is the translated certificate. I will send the required copies along with the application together in a folder, then the extra information in a separate folder for it to be reviewed. Taxes can also help in this situation.
  19. Girls V. Boys Forum Game

    Seems like girls got it this time! Congrats & thank you to everyone that participated!
  20. Girls V. Boys Forum Game

    2+2=4 THIS IS A PLOT!
  21. What would you opt for?

    A lot of people are confusing these two different laws lately.
  22. What would you opt for?

    I'm not a big fan of the Army, never was. I would pick the four year college.
  23. Who's skipping work?

    You don't need a lot if you think about it, school records, medical records, diplomas?, identification, birth certificate and other documents proving you have been in the US within the time frame. Why not send the information directly from Oklahoma? What would happen if they make you go to Texas for the Biometric screening test?
  24. Just present anything that proves you have been in the US for the time it was announced and education, medical records. Don't think about lying is very important and they have made it very clear. A minor error or lie might get you denied and that would be sad. There's so much to read and learn from what's going on right now, use that information wisely.