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Everything posted by Rawf

  1. Girls V. Boys Forum Game

    Ah ha! 36+2=38 GO GUYS!
  2. A birth certificate translation at a consulate would be more expensive, I agree. I paid $30 for mine when I did it a few months back, but now that same person is charging $50. A lot of people are taking advantage of this and charging more.
  3. Who's skipping work?

    I'm thinking about taking Wednesday off since I only have a month and a week at that job and I don't want to make it too suspicious either. Thanks and good luck to you too Itzel.
  4. Have you heard of...?

    That's good to know. Thank you.
  5. Girls V. Boys Forum Game

    Aren't you supposed to do 34-2? In that case.. 34+2=32
  6. Dream act vs deferred action.

    Maybe they are keeping it as a last resource for Obama to win. If the campaign doesn't go as planned, then maybe they will use it as a strategy to gain more vote at the election day.
  7. You will need a birth certificate nonetheless. A student ID with your current address should be fine to use as an identification, but a passport would be more useful.
  8. Have you heard of...?

    The link provided doesn't say anything about registering for Selective Services. Where can I find such information? Thank you.
  9. I have always wanted an Infinity coupe.. one day I will have it
  10. My main priority is going back to college, unfortunately I started it and a year later they suspended my account because I never presented citizenship proof.. I'm currently working, but I wouldn't mind getting a better job or a higher position in that same building I'm currently working at. Then it would be getting an ID > College> License > Car.
  11. I recommend going to your local consulate or attorney to get the birth certificate translated. It doesn't cost as much as you might think and you know you can obtain it the very same day from a qualified person. I don't trust online services with my entire birth information, but cheers to those that have been able to obtain it that way.
  12. Can I get a Credit Card W/ITIN?

    The ITIN is issued to those without a social security number and as far as I know you can open a bank account with BoA and while there, ask the representative that you would like to request a credit card to build your credit as well. I've tried doing this online and I was approved, but later that week I received a denied letter. To get fully approved, you have to request it at your local BoA office and yes an ITIN will work. You will need some kind of government issued identification such as your Passport and being in the US with an expired passport can be a horrible idea. Just go to your country's consulate and renew it. I renew mine every 5 years because that's the only way to have some kind of identification at the moment. Good luck with getting a Credit Card
  13. I've been thinking about this a lot. Here where I live, the police along with immigration has been stopping a lot of people asking for "licenses". What is so weird is that it all started last week, close to the release of the DACA application. Is this a coincidence? It looks a little too suspicious to be a coincidence to me.