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Everything posted by yan88

  1. My family and I came to the US when I was just a kid I was enrolled in kinder and graduated from high school. When I was in fifth grade my dad got caught and so were we. I really don’t know what happened because back in the day we just wanted to be out of trouble and live our lives. Somewhere along the way my dad was allowed to stay because my now 22 year old sister was a US citizen however the rest of us got voluntary leave which never happened because we moved from that house and I honestly don’t know what happened or what kind of status that left us in. I requested a status check but I am currently waiting for an answer. My question is what I put for question 3a and 3b of the application… (Are you now or have you ever been in removal proceedings?) If I honestly have no idea what happened?
  2. I need help!!!

    I have a clean record. I dont think immigration records come up since its federal.
  3. I need help!!!

    I forgot to mention my husband is an officer in the US. Airforce. Would it be better and easier if he were to pettition me or just stick with the deferred action?
  4. I need help!!!

    They dont know either. The attorney that was helping us pretty much did the opposite =/