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Everything posted by zombiephanatic

  1. The only document that i have in my posession that shows/proves that i was present here in the United States on that June 15, 2012 is my PayStubs for that week. Only problem is that; though its under my name its under a fake social. Is it a good idea to use it as evidence? because on the application itself, says to list all Social Security Number(s) you have ever used. does that include the fake ones? thanks alot in advance for any or all information given!
  2. just out of curiosity, how are you going to pay the fees? do yal work? parents? family loans? i been curious ever since i found out it was aprox. 500 in fees or more.
  3. how are you going to pay the form fees?

    yeah good idea, i was just curious, because thank god i have a job and that will help me but i know many dont :/ good luck to you too!!!