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Everything posted by jjhon

  1. this is my wondering, I'm currently not in school, but I did graduate from High school, but I stopped there about 5 years ago. I need to go back to school ( my preffered fields being Sales, and IT network security) but at this point I need to find something to enroll fast, so I can apply for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Process. Any positive advise about this matter would be gladly appreciated!! thank you in advance!
  2. oh wow! is that so? then this would definately make it easier!! thank you!
  3. Lawyers can help

    dont put too much blame on her. she just wants to make sure you guys dont miss this opportunity by minimizing the probability of a mistake. Best luck to you buddy
  4. good point! I'm looking forward for a good answer on this one O.o
  5. borrowing some money from friends and family most likely. * can always pawn a few stuff if necessary. * selling any jewelry if any * yard sales? Stuff like that ^^ gl all (including myself ^^)