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Everything posted by Rh_ny

  1. Aaii Aaii Captain Thanks for the kind words, we'll hear some good news soon Amen !
  2. Anyone ???

    In that case i don't even have a common name.probably my previous info :/
  3. I have been feeling the same lately, there are more others who are in the same boat as us. I guess we need to be a little more patient and it should be coming to us soon.
  4. I have officially hit the 90 day radar today :(

    1. mayra


      i sent mine on aug.20 still nothing but we are getting close...keep yo head up we will get there soon

    2. itzel


      Keep your chin up...you should get approved very soon

    3. roadrunner11


      Praying for you missy. Just keep it up.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  5. 90 days since app was sent *sigh*

  6. Another day smh :(

    1. Rh_ny


      Thanks guys but this stressing me out :(

    2. erika020


      soon , very very soon the stress will be over :) you'll see ^_^

    3. pankaj


      Mah 90days get over in two days gurl is todai ur 89 or wat

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. Calling USCIS

    I called the customer service #, they practically don't give out any information and tell people to wait since it has a 90 day processing period. I personally was told to give them a call if I don't receive anything by 11/28. From what I have been reading on other forums and blogs, people are contacting them and putting a service request are being told to wait 15 days for an answer. http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.eb1d4c2a3e5b9ac89243c6a7543f6d1a/?vgnextoid=ddce0b89284a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=ddce0b89284a3210VgnVCM100000b92ca60aRCRD ^ follow the link to contact them and good luck !
  8. Day 88 since app is sent, no approval yet !

    1. roadrunner11


      Ok 2 more days and you can send a request. Let's pray it happens sooner than later.

    2. Rh_ny


      Ah yes ! I m hoping !!

  9. no lawyers get approved faster.

    It doesnt make any difference, I applied without a lawyer and still waiting.
  10. waiting sucks

    Your timeline ?
  11. 86 days since I applied and the week is almost over with nothing so far!!

    1. Rh_ny


      I don't know Gino what's taking so long for us to get approved. I hope for all of us who are waiting o hear something soon. It's just ridiculous to keep waiting *sigh*

    2. itzel


      I think all this exodus of people who saw people approved for DACA and started applying, has slowed down the process for others who are already in the system...

    3. Rh_ny


      Yeah I agree with you itzel !

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  12. Sorry to hear that Uhm, but don't give up. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and I am sure you'll soon achieve something better than this. Looking fwd to CIR 2013 ! So many others will be granted amnesty through that, stay positive bro !
  13. I agree with you, they are the slowest specially for us Newyorkers !!! Smh
  14. 79 days and counting !

    1. pankaj


      i knw gurl same here...am like seriously i need them thyre are so many job hirings:(

    2. Rh_ny


      Yep Pankaj, we need $$$ and education lol

    3. pankaj


      Hell yeh gurl... We bin waitin

    4. Show next comments  15 more

    Congratulations and thank you for making this forum and for gathering all dreamers here
  16. No other approvals from Vermont? Tough days ehh :S
  17. Any approvals from Vermont ...can't wait anymore :(

    1. pankaj


      i hope b4 thankgiving...i wanna all of us to get approved

    2. Rh_ny


      I hope so Pankaj, keep up the spirits :)

    3. pankaj


      Yeh gurl u toi ;)