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Everything posted by Rh_ny

  1. Day 19, and the waiting continues......

    1. Rh_ny


      Thnx girls, yeah i think ill hear something by next week definately

    2. pankaj


      I hope u do hear it by next week i feel u..its too much stress.over da approval ughhhhh

    3. Rh_ny
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  2. case routed to texas

    Hi iherrera, welcome to the forums.the best thing is not to worry about it and you'll get approved to like all of us. It's just the matter of time and I hope it goes smooth for you aswell!
  3. Hi my name is Irving

    Hello Irving, welcome to the forums !
  4. Hey there!

    At Vermont :/ they r slow
  5. Hey there!

    Congrats, which service center was your application sent to ?
  6. Waiting for the good news anxiously -_-

    1. Rh_ny


      I did mine sept 20

    2. roadrunner11


      I am sure we will throw a party together :)

    3. Rh_ny
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  7. Biometrics Fingerprint Machine

    That's weird and funny at the same time lmao !
  8. Confused

    What ?? You wanna show us a picture of what you recieved ?
  9. 16 days since I did my biometrics, still waiting on the good news !!

    1. C_Air23


      I have a feeling you will get a notification next week... :) hang in there

    2. Love35


      vermont is so slow smh ........

      my stuff went to vermont as well 3 weeks ago

    3. Rh_ny


      Yeah Vermont is moving too slow,thanks C_Air23

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  10. My first and top priority is going back to college, find a job in the hospital, getting a DL and a car hopefully !
  11. Thank you , good luck to all of us !
  12. Aww that's great. Can't wait to receive the good news on my case !
  13. Can't wait anymore :/ I m such a nerve-wrack

    1. Admin


      Aww just a bit longer! No worries. :)

    2. Rh_ny


      I hope so,Thanks!

    3. roadrunner11


      Same here but we have to stay positive we have been waiting for so long.. a few more days won't hurt. :)

  14. Post funny images!

    ^ cute lol
  15. Still waiting :/

  16. Obtaining a DL (Lists ALL States)

    Its all cool in NY yay
  17. waiting for the day i don't have to wait anymore.

    1. C_Air23


      Me too.. Tired of this waiting game.. Good new though is that when I get my EAD car, I'm going straight to DMV since California straight take EAD for proof for ID then wait to go to ssn then after get a license lol

    2. Rh_ny


      ^ i know exactly how you feel, good luck to you!

  18. I have been waiting as well, hope the process speeds up. Vermont moving too slow Huh :S