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Found 3 results

  1. A lot has been written on deferred Action, a new program that starts on August 15, 2012 for young undocumented students in the United States. However, few have offered any “tips” for filing a successful Dreamer application. Applicants will find their application process will run smoother if they keep the following in mind: 1. Apply slowly. Don’t try to beat the rush and submit a partial application. If the I-821D is denied there is no right to appeal or file a motion to reopen. 2. If you have had contact with the police in the past, do NOT apply until an attorney has seen your conviction documents (docket sheets). 3. Thoroughly document your application with the evidence requested to avoid a delay in your case due to lack of evidence. 4. Download the applications from the USCIS web site. The forms, which must be filed together, are the I-821D, I-765 and I-765 WS. They are fillable online, but must be sent in hard copy to one of the four designated USCIS Immigration Lockboxes. Visit the USCIS web site to insure you file with the Lockbox which corresponds to your address. 5. While you’re applying, DO NOT travel outside of the U.S. after August 15, 2012! You will be inegible for the program. 6. Keep in mind fraud and misrepresentation can trigger a denial and result in you being placed in removal proceedings. 7. Send Immigration fees in the form of a Money Order. By doing, so you can trace the money order and ensure that the application will be processed promptly as if paid with cash. 8. Make copies of everything you submit and send the application via certified mail to confirm receipt. 9. Translate all non-English documents into English. 10. Submit proof that you arrived in the U.S. BEFORE turning 16 and have resided continuously in the U.S. for at least 5 years as of June 15, 2007. Deferred action is not an amnesty, it is not a Green Card. It is a work permit, renewable every two years, that will allow the applicant to get employment in the U.S., a driver’s license, and a Social Security number. Source:
  2. For those that got themselves a lawyer, how much are you paying him/her for thier services to help you fill out the application? Just a good measure to see what you guys/girls are paying to help you fill out the applications.
  3. I am wondering if any of you guys/girls looked into getting a lawyer and how much they would cost? Let us know the average pricing you saw for a lawyer. Also how do you go about looking for a lawyer? Do you search online? Check his education? Comment below.