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Found 3 results

  1. So i got my biometrics appointment and i'm supposed to go this Monday but the only id i have is my high school id and i can't get a passport because i'm underage and i don't live with my parents and my grandma doesn't have legal custody of me. Do you guys think they will accept my high school id?
  2. Just gonna give a few pointers that can help those who are going to their biometrics appointment soon: 1)Have your documents ready prior to your appointment.If possible check again the night before and have them ready for next day 2)Be there early.If your appoinment says 10:00am be there at least 15 mins early.There may be people waitng in line by the time you arrive there. 3)Dont wear any jewelry.It slows the security checking process and trust me if there a line of people waiting,it just makes it a lot more time consuming 4)Dress nice and simple.The more clothing you wear(or accessories,this includes hats) the longer it will take you to take it off and to put it back on after you go thru the security checking part. 5)Be observant.If you notice that people's belts are causing the metal detector to go off,please go ahead and remove your belt BEFORE its your turn. 6)Following Directions carefully..i.e.If the security officer tells you to walk fast thru the metal detector please do so...saves a lot of headaches. I had my biometrics in Chalrleston,SC and they are pretty strict on the security checking part.My appoinment was at 8:00 am.I arrived at 7:40 am and there was a line of like 10 people ahead of me.Three or four people had to be manually checked because they failed to pass the metal detector twice.They had forgotten to take stuff off of them that had metal pieces, and made a drag so early in the morning.
  3. Okay, so my biometrics appointment is in Elizabeth on Tuesday, October 30th, but due to mother nature and hurricane Sandy coming, I'm not sure if it'll even be open on that day! What should I do? Will they delay/reschedule the appointment, or do I have to send something? I'm running out of time here! I'm very worried about this.