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Found 1 result

  1. So my mom got me the ITIN number to report in her taxes when I was like 13. I didn't even know she got it for me . Last year when I went to do my taxes I used that number and everything went fine. But when I was trying to do my taxes with turbo tax this year , it wouldn't let me,and the IRS rejected it 2x. I called turbo tax ( it was kinda embarrassing because the guy didn't know about the ITIN number but then I think he google it or something) and he said that the error message that he was getting said that my ITIN didn't match my name . He told me to call the IRS and I did , one rude lady told me that the number I had wasn't mine and she gave me another and told me that that's the one I suppose to be using, and that the information on the other one was passed to that new number and the old number was somebody else's number already But the old number is the one that I wrote on the application !!!!!! Could this be why I haven't got approved for my work permit What should I do Could I be denied because if this! Is this really that bad or I'm over exaggerating ! :/