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Found 10 results

  1. I went to a job interview on Friday and had to take my documents because they asked for it. When I got off my car I dropped my wallet. Right away I went back to look for it but it was gone. now I feel like Crap because this other job where I applied is asking for it. UPDATE: someone returned my wallet a few weeks after with all my stuff still inside
  2. Hi, I reside in Florida and lost my social security card. As a DACA recipient is the process of replacing the card similar to any other card holders? Will I have to fill out a specific form for a DACA Social Security Card?
  3. I just applied for a secured credit card using a fake SSN that I verified didn't belong to anyone already. The credit card website sent me an email asking for 4 or 5 different identity verification documents! I created the easiest to create of each document and emailed it in. They didn't send me an email saying they accepted my application so I emailed them. The next day they sent me an email asking for the same documents. I sent them again. They sent me an email with a link. I click the link and it opened a page saying for me to log in before I read it! I don't know what this is but I'm not giving them my email and password to open it! I need to get cards using my fake ssn so I applied for a secured one but it's not becoming a success story like so many others have shared. What do I do to get credit cards to start building credit here? I don't have any documents but I can create them...
  4. I am a credit union employee, not a DACA individual, however I am doing research for the purpose of determining how to handle new SSNs presented by DACA individuals who previously had ITINs or no SSN/ITIN at all. I would like feedback on how other financial institutions have handled this for DACA individuals. Our compliance person is insisting a couple of things I am not in agreement with, but need to find out for certain. The SSN cards state "for work only". This makes her believe we (credit union) CANNOT use it for the purposes of opening a savings/checking account or issuing credit. (Yet, we have other members who have cards that say the same or similar thing as they are legal residents who are working and that doesn't concern her...???). The other issue is that we have members who had previously opened their account or got their loan w/ an ITIN, and now want to switch it to their new SSN. She is refusing to do it, however I believe DACA individuals must cease using their ITIN once their SSN has been issued, correct? Can anyone provide: 1. Credible source/documentation giving direction; or 2. Info on how your financial institution handled this? Thanks, Joan Miller United Educational Credit Union Battle Creek, MI
  5. Help I Have Two Questions! Very Important

  6. Hey guys i just wanted to post this because i know how hard it could be to get a job when so few places are hiring, and the ones that are hiring want "experience." i applied at several stores (i live in California by the way) outlets, department stores, Walmart, pets-mart and some gas stations. a friend of mine that i worked with in the past introduced me into a new job opportunity with a company called TransAmerica and its working out great. in about three months i got called back from a ROSS store, and was hired. i have been working there for about 4 months now, i was promoted to SPS (Store Protection Specialist) yesterday. i love working there. i did not need a fancy resume i just honestly told them that this was going to be my first official payroll job but that i was a fast learner and that i would be a valuable asset for the store. i was named employee of the month the month after i started working there. this shows you that we all have the opportunity to succeed, you just have to look for it. you might not get the job that you want right away, but you will eventually get it just start off with small jobs to build up experience in costumer service, which is what most employers want. i hope this help and if you have any questions please feel free to ask me.
  7. Ssn Printout Question

    When i go to the SS office, how do i request a print out of my number?
  8. Hi I am from Cali and I recently got approved and I was wondering how long did it take for you guys to receive it in the mail after you were approved? And how long is the SSN taking to arrive also? And when you go to the office do they assign you a number right away or you find out till you get the SSN card in the mail? Thanks
  9. Okay, so I was about to go to sleep right and this popped in my head. So, i decided to ask the question, here it is! You get approved for deferred action, u get EAD card ssn and wat not. Now, what if you ever won the lottery could you se the ssn to claim it?!?! LOL thoughts and answers please!!
  10. SSN Question

    I got my ssn by mail today and im just wondering if I can make a copy (scan it) just to keep a copy of it. would in anyway damage the ssn card if I scan it?