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Found 1 result

  1. One step closer!

    I can't wait to recieve my WORK PERMIT to find a good paying job. Having a WP can open so many doors for great jobs. I personally hate looking for work because i might have a good interview & all of the sudden the words "background check & e-verify" would come up & just like that a good job opportunity would be out the window. But now, i can't wait to actually give a REAL ssn && REAL id. To work a real ssn & to be able to accomplish so much more! At the sametime it's kind of weird how we are so anxious to work & go to school when people that HAVE a real ssn never put it to good use. I personally know a lot of people who settle for working basic, minimum wage jobs instead of doing something bigger with their lifes. It's annoying how some people take for granted what they have.