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I-765 EAD application being updated for DACA process

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For those of you asking or wondering if you can fill out the I-765 form ahead of time.

PLEASE READ THIS before doing so.

This link is from the USCIS website and states that those applying for DACA can NOT use the I-765 form that is available. A new version of the I-765 form will be available on the 15th along with the DACA app.

Hope this helps!!

Happy reading :)

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yes, it is the Deferred Action.

DACA just stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

feel free to ask any question you have about anything and hoping I or the other people on this forum ca help you.


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(if accepted) we just gotta go to our dmv's and apply for a driver's license right? or like how do we apply for one? do we have to fill out something extra?

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Hi, I'm filling out the I-765 Worksheet. I need some help on what to fill out for Part 2 of this worksheet. I am 16 years old and my family supports all my expenses such as food, clothing, etc. but I'm wondering if I should put down my expenses that I purchase with money that my parents allow me? Help will be appreciated :)

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