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Hi everyone :) Not sure if this has been asked before but... My husband received his EAD on Friday and is going to be apply for his social security card soon. He is planning to stay at his current job until he can find a better one... wondering what to do from here? Should he show his current employer his EAD and social security card once he gets it? Or just keep working with the fake number he was using before until he finds another job... And if he shows his employer the EAD and social security number what should he say? I feel like this would be a dangerous/akward conversation...

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depends on his they know that he was working illegally? he can take his chances and talk to the HR person and ask them to change his info but there's always the chance that the company may fire him because he provided false information.

worse case is that he does get fired. then he can use his new SSN and EAD when he applies for other jobs.

best base is that the company changes his info and he keeps his job.

i would say be honest and accept what happens after that.

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No his employer doesn't know he is/was working illegally. But I guess you are right... worse case scenario is they fire him. I sure hope not because there are not very many jobs around here this time of year :/

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it sucks having to think about it. he can continue to work where is at while looking for other jobs. that way, he still has a job but can be honest if and when a new job comes up.

my sister use to work at a hotel and one of her co-workers was fired because she finally become a PR so she went and asked HR to change her info and they fired her. said that they never would have never hired her if they knew she was illegal.

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This might sound scary, but here is what my employer is doing.

He knows I'm working with fake papers under my real name, and because I'm using my real name and a fake social security they can't just change things from one day to the other one. That can raise a red flag with the IRS and other Government Agencies and could cause a lot of issues to the company.

What my employer is going to do is "fire" me for 2 weeks, after the two weeks are up I can fill out an application (Which I have already done so) and use my real information.

Maybe this is because they do an e-verify to all employees.

Hope yours goes as smooth, sometimes telling the truth can bring a lot of good things.

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I'm in the same boat. I work for a huge motel chain and I really don't want to change my info and go through the embarrassment of admitting I'm working under fake papers. I think I will give my two weeks file my taxes and find a new job with my ssn and EAD.... Too bad it's easier said than done. :(

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My goodness who knew this was so freaking complicated. I would do the same thing, find a job and give my two week notice. I guess you can file taxes for this year with the ITIN and start fresh next year with the new SSN. The tax information does transfer at the time of surrendering the ITIN.

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