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adriana c.

why do some get approved before others

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My boyfriend and i went the same day to get out biometrics done and three weeks later he was approved and i still havent been why could it be he got approved first

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Common names could be a factor, do you have criminal record? There are way too many reasons to list them.

I was approved 2 weeks before my sister, and we are brother and sister living in the same house.

It happens, they will get to yours :)

By the way, we all get different people and depends how fast they work to process the documents.

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i think it depends on the person that actually looks at your case too. after your bio, you case is looked at by an actual person so depending on how fast or slow they work depends on how soon your case gets looked at. cases arent looked at in the order that they are received either, we all know that's true.

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Can I create a topic asking "Who is born first the egg or the chicken", C'MON DUDE what kind of topic is this??

if you do not like the topic, you do not have to be on the forum. people come here not only to get answers to questions they may have but also to vent their frustrations with the DACA process.

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