
Almost an End to 2012

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This year has been the most blessed year of them all to me and I'm sure to some of you as well.

This year started with a brand new house for the family, my sister and myself were approved for DACA and doing extremely well. We have both gotten a raise and still at the same jobs with out newest ssn and no one made a single comment about it.

I personally got a job, after 5 months I was promoted to manager assistant and this week I'm going to be trained for a higher position!

I feel so blessed to have such opportunities now, this country has showed me that hard work does pay. Not when we want, but when the time is right we all get what we deserve.

Next year I will be continuing college, that is my main priority right now. I already have a car and a stable job to pay my own expenses as well.

Gosh I'm so pleased with life that I could continue typing forever.

If this sounds too cocky, please don't take it like that.. I'm just so thankful for everything I got this year :D

Anyone else would like to share a little bit of their story for the year of 2012 and what your plans are for the year 2013?

Let's keep it rolling and motivate others with our stories!

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That is awesome, always great to hear success stories...er read lol. Hope next year goes even more wonderfully for you, as well as the rest of us (:

2012 happened to be a crazy one for myself. Actually there was really nothing great about it. This is my third year not working or going to school. So hearing the news about DACA was just...amazing. I really did tear up when I saw the news. From that moment I knew all the waiting had paid off! I've been living in this country for about 18 years, and this is the break I needed.

I met a wonderful man, whom I love dearly. Traveled across the country to come see me for at least four days. (Getting mushy, pardon me lol) I hope to go see him this coming February and meet his family. If I can't then, he said he'd make the trip again. Just so grateful to have him.

I have yet to receive anything in the mail, but I'm being as optimistic as I can. I want to get a job and continue my education. Make my three year old son proud of me, and finally learn how to drive next year lol. Also... I want an expensive jacket! >_<

Wish you all very happy holidays and a very very happy, prosperous, fun filled new year! (':

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Rawf this is really really cool :D Congratulations to you and all the Dreamers who feel as grateful for the accomplishments and blessings during 2012.

My year in a nutshell -

First it all started with me finishing physical therapy for a crazy surgery I had last year. I was 90% back in strength by October and cleared to keep running and most exciting for me racing long distance. I ran a half marathon and it felt so good to finish without knee pain.

I was promoted at the job I had as the marketing director and was also given a chance to learn how to make wine :) Probably the coolest thing I have ever been taught.

After years of struggling with my inability to work and use my degree DACA was granted and I was approved fairly fast. A month later I found the job of my dreams at a local hospital and now I am getting ready to put together an education plan for the hospital to finance some of my grad school. Hopefully in a few years I will be Roadrunner MD :)

Wish you all the BEST in everything you do. Keep up the Dreaming spirit and never forget why we deserve this chance.

Life was not always easy and I have to admit there were times when I felt so sad because of my status I considered packing my bags and go back to my country where medical training is free. If my mom wouldn't have forced me to stay after graduating college I would have missed this chance.

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