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california dream act question

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so i called the number da webpage has,,,the lady said that i should fill out the application on jan ,,but if i wanted to do it online to wait mid january,,,,,,, but my question is to da forum who else in califonia gunna apply for da cali dream act?

i already have two appointsments for uei an everest on wedsday lol

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I'm also gonna apply to the CA Dream Act ... but my sister already started the dream application, and I attended a workshop and the lady from the financial aid office at my college told me to start filling out the application, the process wont start until Jan. 1, but you can already start your application.

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erikaa are u attending a comunity colege or a tv college? cause i wanna apply for dose tv coleges

A community college .... there's a Cal grant for that I think is Cal grant C

Cal Grant C

  • assists with the costs of a technical or career education
  • provides up to $547 for books, tools and equipment—and up to $2,462 more for tuition and fees if you’ll be attending a school other than a California Community College (community colleges don’t charge tuition and your fees will be waived as a Cal Grant recipient)
  • is available for up to two years

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erika another question did u file da application alone or da school help u fill it out?

I haven't finished my application, I barely started ... but it is a bit confusing ( at least it is to me) so i'm gonna ask someone from the financial aid office at my school to help me out :)

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Im also planning to apply for it. Is anyone attending csulb?

I'm not but my sister wants to go there, she might be going there this fall :)

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This is going to be my second semester at CSULB...and so far im loving it! Im sure that your sister would like it too!

BTW I tried to fill out the application for financial aid today but we still need to wait until Jan 14th and then we can do it online. Also it seems that one of the requisites is that your parents file their 2012 taxes. In my case, since I support myself, it'll be me filing taxes. 

In any case, i think the best thing to do is to go to the california dream act website and start gathering the information needed to complete the application! 

Good luck everyone!

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If I am informed correctly, the calgrant is only available for 2 years so use it wisely.

Personal advice, or at least what I plan to do, as a community college student I will apply for the 2013-2014 application.

This way the cal grant will help me when I am at a CSU/UC.

I assume that the financial assistance will be greater at those levels.

I'd rather struggle paying for community college which now should be easier especially with the CA Bog Waiver.

And Tavo is correct.

The online application for the 2013-2014 academic year does not open up until January 14. However, you can download the paper application and mail it as of today.

And if you look around the website "" you will see that you can begin the 2012-2013 application. Note: 2012-2013. I am assuming that the applciation would be for the concurrent academic year. But as you know, we have already completed one semester, so I don't know if that would count as a year.

I would recommend watching this video "

Its regarding the CA Dream Act. Its kind of long, but there is some good information.

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Thanks JC29040! Good information! I wonder if the 2012 - 2013 application would do any good now. I filled it out last July but I received no email or response from them.

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I have a question, in the application it asks for the ITIN (tax Id number) did any of you who already applied put it in the form? Does anyone know what the use of it is?

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I called them today to ask about this situtation.

Have you had any luck on your side?

The CA Dream Act was passed before Deferred Action. The Dream Act became available the first day of 2013 whereas Deferred Action began in August 2012. So I assume that they had not had the time to sort things out in the short amount of time.

I want to say that the ITIN number is a way for them to obtain some sort of identity from you. Besides, this is the number that many Dreamers have used for their taxes. But now that many of us now have access to our own SSN a lot of us have rescinded out ITIN.

As of right now, the California Dream Act ONLINE application is down for maintenance. So I would not be surprised if this question is changed from ITIN to (ITIN or SSN). Or at least that is what I think would be reasonable.

So like I said, I called them today and asked whether I could write my SSN instead. They will contact me next week with an answer. Will keep you posted.


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