
Graduate School As A Daca Recipient

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I have been thinking lately how our DACA status affects our post grad decisions and such. Some of us dream with continuing our college education after obtaining a Bachelor's degree. In medical field and there are several limitations for DACA recipients. For example, medical schools will not accept non-resident aliens unless they have a student visa and these are considered international students. Besides medical schools, other health professions programs will not allow a non-permanent residents attend or get certified/licensed. It is a harsh reality for me because ALL my life I have dreamed to become an MD or a PA. Regardless of this, I am going to keep working towards my goals as if I were able to accomplish them. Maybe someday we will get granted a more permanet status.

Have you guys researched post grad programs out there in the many fields that will allow DACA recipients get a master's degree or PhD.?

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i looked into it before i applied for DACA. i think i will go back to the school i received my double bachelors from and see what they say about it. i know that i can attend the school and as a return student, admissions is certain, i just hope that the financial aspect of it will be a little easier. but when i go and talk to them, i'll post a topic about it.

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I have been thinking lately how our DACA status affects our post grad decisions and such. Some of us dream with continuing our college education after obtaining a Bachelor's degree. In medical field and there are several limitations for DACA recipients. For example, medical schools will not accept non-resident aliens unless they have a student visa and these are considered international students. Besides medical schools, other health professions programs will not allow a non-permanent residents attend or get certified/licensed. It is a harsh reality for me because ALL my life I have dreamed to become an MD or a PA. Regardless of this, I am going to keep working towards my goals as if I were able to accomplish them. Maybe someday we will get granted a more permanet status.

Have you guys researched post grad programs out there in the many fields that will allow DACA recipients get a master's degree or PhD.?

In my case, I would also need to be a resident/citizen or have a student visa...Tuition is more or less the same for everyone in my schools of interest, regardless of nationality.

Even when I tried to go back to school for an additional major, I had to be readmitted because I had already graduated. Then, I was told that I would be charged as an international student unless I showed 'proof of residency.'------> work permit, green card, or blue passport.

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In Texas one can still seek graduate studies under the Noriega bill. I had my doubts if that covered graduate school since I couldn't find anything online. I have one year done wish we could get financial aid though it's pretty expensive. Im taking a semester out to get good job and finish at a later time. DACA came at just the right time..

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Regardless of education, all the things I would like to work for are just for citizens, they're all about working with the federal government. I'm not happy about it, but I can't be any more glad that I'm given the opportunity to have a work permit and be granted a driver's license, again.

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Before DACA, I intended to apply to grad school in Sweeden or Germany, both of which have great schools. After Secretary Napolitano's announcement, though, I started looking at schools here. I actually sent out applications to six grad schools in early December. I'm going for a PhD in computer science. I told each school my situation, and almost all were glad to have me apply. Only one school made the claim that DACA wasn't the same as having legal status because it's not a VISA or permanent resident status. I'll be hearing decisions from most schools in the next month or two, so it's likely I'll find out about grad school before I get a decision on my DACA application. Guess, I'll have to take the greyhound bus when I go on campus visits.

I'm not surprised about government jobs being out of consideration. A friend of mine got a job at Northrup-Grumman ( a defense contractor that makes missile guidance systems and stuff), and he faced a U.S. citizenship requirement, and a six-month background check before he got the job. It's sad to see that other professions like the medical and aviation fields have stiff barriers, though. Best of luck to you guys!

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It seriously drives me nuts to see how there are so many talented hardworking people on this forum and there are probably way many more out there who haven't joined and most of us have to be content with half of what we can really accomplish. I guess that is the case in most aspects in life when you aspire to bigger and better things all the time.

But it's nice to meet you all here. Because I can see our hardwork and ambition will soon prove who we are to those who have the chance and hardly ever aknowledge it.

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NOt being able to be the person I always wanted to be because of my legal situation has always put me down. I've doubted myself to many levels and have not given 100% all because of it! Reading your post's have encourage me to follow my dreams and not only that but dream a bigger dream... Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I plan to start school after getting approved, driving around without a DL is not my thing... therefor I must wait! Im looking into being a PA or Physical Therapist

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