
Anyone Been Stopped By The Police For Driving W/out License?

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@Afrosana well when i had the court it was alright. The judge was a black guy, and treated me fair enough. I just had to pay what was left from the bail bond, and they didn't take the driving privilege away from me, I'm light skinned and when i showed my documents which they're expired, they thought i was lying and they also thought i was escaping from a crime or something, since my skin and hazel eyes were there, they never thought i was from Mexico, is funny now though, but at the moment i was scared, being a first timer, and not knowing of what to do, but since i didnt put any resistance and went on with whatever they were doing they were being nice to me at the end, but by the time of my arrest, three more police cars surrounded me like a true criminal, they gave me the right to remind silent, but all i told them was, if a sheriff would have been the one pulling me over, i wouldn't have to go through this, a sheriff knows more about traffic than y'all, all they did was remained silent and took me into the car!!!

i didn't want to hire and attorney or make a big deal, just for the fact that i did not have a valid driver's license!

but remember... "What Goes Around, Comes Around"

Hope all of you guys are doing great!! (:

And good luck!.

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Hey anyone, what did you guys put in the money order, like who is it being sent to??

Are you talking about the one you send with your application?

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I almost started crying reading everything you just wrote. It is completely unfair that we have to go through all of this as if we're criminals. Instead of them going after SERIOUS criminals, they go after a mom that is trying to pick up her daughter from work. What a blessing to know that no matter how much this country/state can go after us, if God is with us- WHO can stand against us. I've been reminding myself that daily because God is really the ONLY one that protects us and is watching over and understands how unfair we have been treated.

Your comment really touched me, thank you.

I send you a internet-hug! lol :)

Thanks girl! cyber hug to you too! lol

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I've been stopped driving in NY but never got in trouble, every time they just asked for someone with a valid drivers license to pick the car up. Not even a single ticket mayb I was just lucky, but fuuuuck the feeling of being stopped, I felt I committed the worse crime possible. I wounder if when I get my license will I still have that scared feeling I had every time I saw a cop its just Cus im used to not having one.

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I wounder if when I get my license will I still have that scared feeling I had every time I saw a cop its just Cus im used to not having one.

I've thought of that too!! We'll be perfectly fine with our license and something within us will still jump every time we see a cop behind us. Ugh

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I've thought of that too!! We'll be perfectly fine with our license and something within us will still jump every time we see a cop behind us. Ugh

I know but can you imagine how it will feel also after nd if you get stopped, to have the officer ask you for your info nd ones it kicks in that we are in the "I have I drivers license" club to know we can provide them with the proper information nd drive away after noooo problem....haaa it has to be amazing. I cant believe I'm saying this but I cant wait to get my first speeding ticket lol

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i got stopped one time and the officer said that it was because i had a yankees thing around my lisence plate and i was like REALLY.... and there were a few cars passing by with the same thing on theirs and i was pointing them out so he was like ok and just let me go.... i thought that was kind of racist! -_-

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Lol i had alot of speeding and no license tickets and i still got approved within 35 days for DACA. The bad news is that my state is just like Arizona there denying DACA people ID'S/License.

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Lol i had alot of speeding and no license tickets and i still got approved within 35 days for DACA. The bad news is that my state is just like Arizona there denying DACA people ID'S/License.

Ugh, that sucks. Sorry to hear that. What state do u live in?

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I have been stopped and booked for driving without a permit in 2005. It was my fault because I saw the sobriety checkpoint from 3 blocks away but kept driving toward it. Thinking, I was not drunk nor look drunk and I have my seat-belts on so they won't bother me, even-though I could have made a left turn to avoid the checkpoint. It turns out that I didn't have my seat-belts on properly. I know, I know, I was like wtf at first as well but it turns out, the car I was driving was a 94 accord that had 2 seat-belts- one that is attached to the door and second one, is attached to your seat that goes around your waist. By law you are required to have both of them buckled or else you face a fine. In my case, I only had the one by the door that automatically straps you.

I passed 2 cops and on the third one he instructed me to pull over (I still don't know how the F*** he was able to see my second seat-belt) . He asked for driver licences and registration. I gave him the car registration and claimed that I had left my licence at home. Then, he requested all my info so he can pull my information, knowing for fact that won't help me, I gave him my details ( including my own SSN). After, 20 minutes later he came back to lock me up, even though the rest of officers were saying ticket him and let him go because you know, they are out there to stop drunk drivers not lock people up, who don't have there licence with them. The police office that was processing me was pissed off as well because I was another workload for him that they could have avoided.

They took me to the station and booked me for driving without a permit. A family member came to the station to pay 75$ bail. On my way out, one of the officers handed me a $75 ticket for driving without a permit and said, either I can pay the ticket without no noise, if I want to avoid court appearance, or I can contest it saying, I have a drive permit and appear at court with my permit to see a judge. I said, I will think about it and walked out from the station. The next morning, I went to dmv and paid $75 ticket.

And, that was it! I never found my self behind a steering wheel after that drama.... It was one annoying experience.

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I got pulled over twice, the first time was for speeding and no licence. The second time i was delivering a car and i got caught on a road/block and the officer that stopped me was some pale white guy, and the officer that wrote me a ticket was some really nice white girl asked me for an Licence and registration i didnt have any of those but i showed her my school ID and i told her that i i was an automotive aprentice and that i got pulled over a before that. I was sad because i knew i was gonna go to jail and but she only wrote me a ticket for no licence. When i went to the court i waited for 3 hours until i got up and i spoke to the same officer that pulled me over and she took my receive and asked the crerk lady to check the ticket number, she walked back and silently said your good to go ! And i was like but and she said go go just go home....

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I got pulled over twice, the first time was for speeding and no licence. The second time i was delivering a car and i got caught on a road/block and the officer that stopped me was some pale white guy, and the officer that wrote me a ticket was some really nice white girl asked me for an Licence and registration i didnt have any of those but i showed her my school ID and i told her that i i was an automotive aprentice and that i got pulled over a before that. I was sad because i knew i was gonna go to jail and but she only wrote me a ticket for no licence. When i went to the court i waited for 3 hours until i got up and i spoke to the same officer that pulled me over and she took my receive and asked the crerk lady to check the ticket number, she walked back and silently said your good to go ! And i was like but and she said go go just go home....

wow you are lucky

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I got pulled over twice, the first time was for speeding and no licence. The second time i was delivering a car and i got caught on a road/block and the officer that stopped me was some pale white guy, and the officer that wrote me a ticket was some really nice white girl asked me for an Licence and registration i didnt have any of those but i showed her my school ID and i told her that i i was an automotive aprentice and that i got pulled over a before that. I was sad because i knew i was gonna go to jail and but she only wrote me a ticket for no licence. When i went to the court i waited for 3 hours until i got up and i spoke to the same officer that pulled me over and she took my receive and asked the crerk lady to check the ticket number, she walked back and silently said your good to go ! And i was like but and she said go go just go home....

wow you are lucky

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I got a car after I graduated HS (I'm 23 now); I have been driving since then and only been pulled over once. All you have to do is drive safe, always. I was pulled over for speeding and only showed my matricula to the officer. I can't remember how fast I was going but I do remember I let loose because I got into the music too much, lol! I was driving from Oklahoma to texas. The officer only gave me a warning and made me promise to drive at the speed limit. For once, I was extremely lucky!

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I got a car after I graduated HS (I'm 23 now); I have been driving since then and only been pulled over once. All you have to do is drive safe, always. I was pulled over for speeding and only showed my matricula to the officer. I can't remember how fast I was going but I do remember I let loose because I got into the music too much, lol! I was driving from Oklahoma to texas. The officer only gave me a warning and made me promise to drive at the speed limit. For once, I was extremely lucky!

Very lucky!

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I got pulled over once. For not havin my back plate illuminated. Got my car impounded and payed over 1000 in fines with court and tow yard.fucking sucked. Second time I crashed trying to avoid hitting a car in front of me. With the middle divider. When cops arrived they ask for license. And since I was not under the influence that's all they charged with. Driving with out a DL. And of course my crashed car was impounded again. I now drive a Honda civic with out worrys about getting my car impounded xD

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I am from MA. I got pulled over twice. One time, my cousin was with me and had a license and she drove the rest of the way, that was a court appearence and $100 fee. Second time the guy just let me go but gave me a $500 fee. Which I did not pay, I got my uncle who is a cop to dispute it, it was absurd, so, he did, and the cop didn't show up, so we just paid $100 for that one as well. But no one ever gets in serious trouble if they get pulled over, unless you have a rep sheet and then you might have to go to jail for a night.

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so not true, people do get in big trouble for driving without a license in Boston ma. here goes my story I got pulled over about 2 years ago umm the asked me for my license and of course I didn't have one he then proceeded to arrest me I slept in jail for the night I went court the next morning the judge fined me $150 after that I got handed over to ICE. I was in jail for a week got out had to do probation been on probation ever since. This happened in 2011 btw.

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I am sorry to hear that Petbel, sometimes PD in Boston can be a bunch of a**holes, they are very racist, especially the ones that patrol at night. The ones from where I live are pretty used to no one having a license around here, so, they cut us some slack.

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