
Anybody Send Their Application To Vermont Lock Box?

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I sent in mine about 3 weeks later than you. I am hoping for no later than mid March. I can't stand being home and not working. And I definitely don't want to go out and do the wrong thing and applying with non legal papers to work. The dumbest thing I ever did was quit my last job to go work for someone else while waiting for papers. Now the papers are not ready and I had to leave the job. Guuuuuys, don't be an idiot like me!!! I bet no one will...I am just way stupid. haha

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And it will get worse now with the law they are trying to pass. This is so sad, I feel terrible for the children who are here ilegally now and will grow up here never knowing their home what about them? In 10 years, will they fit in another law? Many Americans can be so offensive, and the most ignorant thing is that the real Native American is the real and original owner of this land. They were here and got taken advantage of, but the typical American refuses to acknowledge that. It is like Obama said, "what we forget is that we used to be them". It just makes me so sad to see how many people could be succesful and help, but because of a stupid SSN, you can't do anyting, not even contribute to the country. And it is not like it is our right to be here, out parents made necessary choices, but they knew what they were doing. I feel that by not protecting the border, the situation is going to get worse for us, the undocumented immigrants of right now, it needs to be done. And it may sound selfish because you know, "I'm already here", but we also need to think of the American people who are here, we are not entitled to this, but obviously, they did not send any of us packing yet for a reason. I just feel so cheated sometimes when I see spoiled American teenagers sometimes smoking weed, doing drugs, selling dope and we are out there working for $8/hr and they have all this free time and resouces because their parents worked hard to pay for an education and they barely have to lift a finger, because you know, Consuelo the housekeepr does all things for Mr. Johnsons' kids lol...very stero typical, sorry. I am just frustrated about not being employed right now when there is a job actually waiting for me and I can't work it bc I am still waitiiiiiiiing for someone to get their damn coffee every morning and look at my name sitting there on the desk and say "Well, let me see, this kid went to school, she pays taxes with an ITIN, she doesn't have any criminal history, I think I will approve"...but nooooo...damn it! Well..i guess that's a lot for a good night guys! :D lol

yea that's true & I believe immigrants would be better of just staying in their countries instead of going through the harshness we're going through. yes that's funny how ive never heard of a racist native American however Americans who's families come from European countries always have something to say :? yea I agree with you on that point, make the borders safe and send back all the immigrants that have made bad decisions .... and give us, ppl who could make a positive impact on America, a pathway to becoming legal someday. Well Americans just never been trough what we been through so they don't care. we know how life is w/o an education in our countries, we know how much our parents sacrificed for us so all we can do is work hard to successful and not let our parents down. hahahahaha yea it sucks :( they should get natives to check out the paper work, it might be faster process :D

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And it will get worse now with the law they are trying to pass. This is so sad, I feel terrible for the children who are here ilegally now and will grow up here never knowing their home what about them? In 10 years, will they fit in another law? Many Americans can be so offensive, and the most ignorant thing is that the real Native American is the real and original owner of this land. They were here and got taken advantage of, but the typical American refuses to acknowledge that. It is like Obama said, "what we forget is that we used to be them". It just makes me so sad to see how many people could be succesful and help, but because of a stupid SSN, you can't do anyting, not even contribute to the country. And it is not like it is our right to be here, out parents made necessary choices, but they knew what they were doing. I feel that by not protecting the border, the situation is going to get worse for us, the undocumented immigrants of right now, it needs to be done. And it may sound selfish because you know, "I'm already here", but we also need to think of the American people who are here, we are not entitled to this, but obviously, they did not send any of us packing yet for a reason. I just feel so cheated sometimes when I see spoiled American teenagers sometimes smoking weed, doing drugs, selling dope and we are out there working for $8/hr and they have all this free time and resouces because their parents worked hard to pay for an education and they barely have to lift a finger, because you know, Consuelo the housekeepr does all things for Mr. Johnsons' kids lol...very stero typical, sorry. I am just frustrated about not being employed right now when there is a job actually waiting for me and I can't work it bc I am still waitiiiiiiiing for someone to get their damn coffee every morning and look at my name sitting there on the desk and say "Well, let me see, this kid went to school, she pays taxes with an ITIN, she doesn't have any criminal history, I think I will approve"...but nooooo...damn it! Well..i guess that's a lot for a good night guys! :D lol

WOW! It couldn't have been better said!

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