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It is true because your name is checked against many databases and since most criminals have common names it could flag yours as well and until they are sure you are not the criminal in the database they won't release the approval.

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if someone had my exact name, ooohhhh, that would be so weird. besides my sister and my mom (before she changed her name when she became a USC) i dont know anyone else that has my last name. but then again, i dont know everyone in the world. LOL.

Almejo by not be a common name but Moreno is

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if someone had my exact name, ooohhhh, that would be so weird. besides my sister and my mom (before she changed her name when she became a USC) i dont know anyone else that has my last name. but then again, i dont know everyone in the world. LOL.

Almejo by not be a common name but Moreno is

Almejo is a common name around here.

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