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I sent in my packet on Oct. 12 ... I got a letter to go get my Biometrics done on Nov 19. and I've been waiting to hear back but nothing yet. I'm constantly checking the website for an update on my case but no luck either. I noticed most people got an answer roughly a month after their biometrics get done. I'm hoping/assuming it's because of thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years that it's taking longer than expected. Is anyone else having this issue?

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it all depends on the service center you have and how fast they are working.

remember that only business days count not weekends or holidays.

if you did your bios on nov 19 then it has only been 35 business days since then.

i would just be patient, i know it's hard, but honestly there's not much you can do except wait.

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You're most def not alone. SO many of us are going through the exact same thing :unsure:

I turned in my packet on OCTOBER 11th, and had bios taken on NOVEMBER 28TH.

Haven't heard a word back from them....

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Yes I did do the whole email/text thing and NOTHING >.> What can we do but wait. I was just hoping I wasn't the only one going threw this and I don't like to assume but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say the reason it's taking longer is because of all the damn holidays! I sent mine to the AZ lock boxs which I think maybe flooded with applications considering there are a lot of Hispanics in Cali :/ even more so now that Obama got reelected( thank baby jesus xD)

anywho! keep your hopes up peeps!!! I know I am <3 Wish you all the best of luck and if i happen to get lucky this week I shall let you all know!!

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I'm also new to the forums, but Momo13 all we can do is wait. I turned my application by September 27th and did my biometrics in October 25th. Patience is a virtue and we must wait , even though you feel like pulling every shred of hair from your scalp. I'm just patiently waiting.

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Welcome to the forums. Don't worry too much about your application talking too long. Because, there are some who applied before for you that are still waiting for approval - including myself. Just go about your regular day to day chores without stressing yourself about it.

FYI, Most applications have to go through various steps if your case-officer thinks it needs too. So, most likely our applications are being scrutinized by various case-officers that will eventually get approved, if no issue is found. If you meet the requirements and have stayed out of major trouble, you bets believe your application will be approved. One advise that I would stress to you is, don't go to any lawyers and spend $$$ on the same information you can get for free from your local INS office or by calling the 800 #.

Best of luck and Don't forget, You can always vent on this forum =)

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Im having the same issue! But hopefully we get an answer soon! Best of luck to all of us who haven't gotten it though :)

Stay strong and have faith for the best. It will come through for all of us when the time is right.

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