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Dream Act 2.0(Personal Opinion)

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We need to fix our economy 1st. before anything.

Below is a Personal opinion of what a dream act should look like (short version) 

Disagree? Agree? Comment please.

Working on a project.


                 DREAM ACT 2.0 

Authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security (DHS) to Adjust the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence on a conditional basis, an alien who:

(1) entered the United States on or before his or her 14th birthday and was 28 or younger at the time the acts enactment (2) has been present in the United States at least seven years (3) is a person of good moral character, clean record or no more than 2 misdemeanors.(4) is not inadmissible under Specified grounds of the Immigration and Nationality Act,(5) has been admitted to an institution of higher education in the United States, has earned a high school diploma or general education development certificate in the United States.

*Authorizes the Secretary to remove the conditional basis of an alien's permanent resident status if the alien: (1) has demonstrated good moral character; (2) is not inadmissible under specified grounds; (3) has not abandoned U.S. residency; (4) has earned an IHE degree (or has completed at least two years in a bachelor's or higher degree program) in the United States, and (5) has provided a list of each secondary school attended in the United States.

*Requires an alien prior to having his or her conditional status removed to have: (1) good moral character, (2) submitted biometric and biographic data, and (3) have had security and law enforcement background checks completed.

*Makes an alien in conditional permanent resident status ineligible for: (1) federal Pell grants, and (2) federal supplemental educational opportunity grants.

*Establishes a three-year period of conditional permanent resident status. Terminates such status if the alien: (1) ceases to be a person of good moral character or becomes inadmissible under specified grounds.

(2) removal of the alien from the United States,(a) seeks at consulate inadmissible waiver under specified grounds.

*Authorizes the Secretary of Homeland Security to Adjust of Status to Legal Permanent Resident if the alien is enlisting the Armed Forces & proves that steps are taken(asvab score,draft contract by recruiter, & personal letter) 

Immigration Reform should include

Department of Immigration Records

Secure borders

Program Secure Communities

Mandatory I-9 (E-Verify)

Pay a $3000+ fine 

More Strict immigration rules for countries with high illegal immigration (Mexico & others)

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i dont think that it should be restricted to those between the ages of 14 to 28. Right now I am 29 and will turn 30 later this year. I have finished my college education, never been in trouble with the law and have never used a fake SSN.

i also dont believe that just because one comes from a country that has a higher number of illegal immigrants, that they should have stricter rules placed on them.

i believe that CIR should be a tiered system and not just apply to those who came here as children or those who are still in school.

1st tier should be for those who have been here since 1988, who have a USC or a PR parent(s) and who have filed a Relative Petition with USCIS.

2nd tier should be for those who have been here since 1995, who have a USC parent or a PR parent(s) and who have filed a Relative Petition with USCIS.

3rd tier should be for those who have arrived after 2000, who are DACA approved and meet maybe a few other requirements.

4th tier should be for those who arrived after 2008 and have not either filed a petition with USCIS.

the reason why i think it should be something like this is because if amnesty is given across the board, it is not fair to those who are in the US who have filed Relative Petitions and who have either USC or PR parent(s) and who are trying to gain legal status the correct way to give legal status to someone one that has been here just a few yrs and have not filed any petitions/applications with USCIS. those in the country who are trying or have tried (at some point or another) to correct their status the correct and legal way should have priority.

maybe i'm just saying this because it's from a personal POV but i've been dealing with the immigration system since 2001 (12yrs) and am tired of those who lie and cheat get their papers before me. the system is not fair, i understand not, but it is also not fair to reward those who have not taken their place in line like those are doing things correctly.

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