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How big is your application packet?

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So how big is your application packet? Althought on the 15th, we will all know exacty what we need and what we don't come that day.

Just discuss and let us know what you included and what is good to have.

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my packet is huge, I have a 3 year old so I have all sorts of medical records, my school recorsd are a lot, and while I was prego a nurse came to see me every week so I have a lot of those papers :)

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Mine is not that big cuz they are really not asking for much...All I have is

*immunization card

* high school transcripts 9-12

*school i.d's


* I.d

*passport mexicano

* birth certificate/ translated in English

I also have my lease form of my first apt u guys think that will help also r wat I hav is good enough????

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I have some copies already....but ill finish the rest today:) well if they want the originals I wouldnt knw to send them or not?! What would u do?

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I would never send the original, unless they specifically state it. The only original document I am sending is the translated certificate.

I will send the required copies along with the application together in a folder, then the extra information in a separate folder for it to be reviewed.

Taxes can also help in this situation.

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I have some copies already....but ill finish the rest today:) well if they want the originals I wouldnt knw to send them or not?! What would u do?

if they wanted the originals from me, well i would send it to them. So i suggest you do the same.

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my package isnt that rawf, im only sending the translated birth certificate and thats a copy. i received 2 when i paid for the translation..everything else are copies of bills, hs diploma, school volunteer certificate, ss card, consulate id, immunization card...

good luck everyone

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I don't have much, at all..

I'm still in high school, and don't have bills since I live with my parents.

So all I have is my transcript (which I won't get until Thursday)

Copy of expired Visa.

Mexican Passport (if its required)

copy of id from the consulado (maybe)

Immunization card

I'm getting my birth certificate translated. so that too.

and I'm not sure if the transcript will show my current classes, so a copy of my classes to show that I am going to school.

And a copy of this year's school ID.

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I have a copy of the original of my birth certificate thats translatted

i have an unnoficial college transcript

copy of colle diploma

copy of hs diploma (will be picking up my transcript tomorrow)

trying to fill up my applications (I NEED HELP ON THE I765)

copies of my school ids, and passport...../

anything else?

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I have everything but a passport, because I'm 18 they ask for both of my parents signatures. I never met my father so I don't know how to go about that! Is it required? I mean I har everything else.

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I have everything but a passport, because I'm 18 they ask for both of my parents signatures. I never met my father so I don't know how to go about that! Is it required? I mean I har everything else.

Do you have any way to identify yourself? Some kind of government issue identification? College, High School ID?

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Rickyerique: if you're 18, you shouldn't need either of your parents, according to the USCIS people you should be able to file it yourself, unless you're under 16 Y.O.

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All I got is my birth certificate and other I.Ds but from here! And you're 18 you can file it but they said I need my parents signatured idk or two witnesses some like that unless I'm 21. Btw I'm from el Salvador.

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have you seen the applications??

there is nowhere that says that you need you parents, i would recommend you to make a phone call to this number, ask them, make sure and let them know that for personal issues you cant get a hold of your dad, 800-779-9654 it will make everything clear for you, good luck!!

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Alright thanks! They just released the application and the requirements as well. They have many things that you can show as proof of identity including passport. So I guess if they don't ask specifically for it, it'll save me a 4hr trip and money!

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