
Vermont Processing Center - Wth!

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i had my application submitted and got my receipt for it on Oct. 1st ... iv done my bio on Nov 14th and now we are working on 2 months after my bio. and still nothing. they just put my case online so i can check my status on Dec. 11th. is this only happening to people who sent it to vermont, or is this everwhere? the slow processing time is killing me!

thanks to everyone who answers

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Well let me just tell you that I've been waiting since September did my bois on Oct 11 and I'm still not approved! Vermont is a little slow so all we can do is wait! Best of luck to you! :)

And this happens to everybody not just Vermont remember that the processing time is 4-6 months

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Did my bios September 28 -_- what's everyone's last name ? Age ? Any possible misdemeanor ?

Stupid Vermont o_O I found this !!

Why some immigration applications get delayed at the USCIS? I am sorry to hear what you are going through but let me put some facts out for you so that you can better understand your situation. Here are a few scenarios for DREAMers whose applications are taking too long to be processed by USCIS:


People who filed their application from states which have significant illegal immigrant populations, for instance, California, Texas, Arizona, etc. are being sent to service centers that are swamped.

Your case was not straightforward.

The way the process works in the USCIS is that an officer will conduct an initial review of your application package and if the application is filed correctly, if all the evidence is as needed, if you meet all the eligibility requirements with no gray areas, and if all comes clear in your background search, you will be approved almost immediately (that is why thousands of DREAMers were pleasantly surprised to find that they sailed through the process).

On the other hand, if there is even a small problem in any of the things above, you can imagine what happens in that situation: it gets routed to another officer or to a superior or they request more information from you or assign another experienced officer to investigate further. That can delay things a lot depending on each case.

Either you have a problem with your criminal history or you are one of those unfortunate individuals whose name and other personal information seems to match a criminal (which might trigger an extended security review). In that case, the agency has to conduct additional research before approval.

That process can be awfully slow if paperwork is sent out to local law enforcement departments.

You failed to disclose something that the USCIS knows about. For instance, many DREAMers were not even aware that they had deportation orders issued against them because their family members never bothered to tell them or they never understood what was happening to their cases (non-English speakers often do not fully understand the process of immigration cases and often rely on incompetent attorneys or may not even have a counsel). So while you might think that your case is simple, the USCIS may not think so.

You deliberately lied on your application assuming that USCIS may never find out about it or you did not realize how serious it was or you simply forgot about it (if you were fingerprinted at a police station for a fight between students at school or for shoplifting and then let go because you were a teenager you may not think that it is a big deal but it will completely mess up your application).

I don't know what applies to you but please be patient. If your application has not been rejected nor have you received a request for evidence (RFE) you just will need to wait. In the meantime, you can also call the USCIS to ask a customer service agent about the status of your application and they can give you more information than what you will be able to get by just checking your application status online. Remember that typical immigration processes are painfully slow (even for legal immigrants) and some people wait for years for their cases to be resolved. DACA is moving forward pretty fast actually.

Try to keep your self busy :/ no news still "good news" -_-

I'm buying a camera soon that should keep me busy taking pictures about anything and everything since I cannot even get a job now >_<

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Did my bios September 28 -_- what's everyone's last name ? Age ? Any possible misdemeanor ?

Stupid Vermont o_O I found this !!

Try to keep your self busy :/ no news still "good news" -_-

I'm buying a camera soon that should keep me busy taking pictures about anything and everything since I cannot even get a job now >_<

Thanks for the info Luna! I don't have no misdemeanor at all. Except, a citation for driving without a permit ... And, The whole family was asked to leave the country when our asylum got denied but my lil sister application was approved in 28day after she did her bio, so IDK whats dragging my approval. I just think all cases differ on who is handling the case cause from what it looks like, I've run into one mean reviewer. =(

I hope you get approved soon too. Share the pics you take too...

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