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I went to get my fingerprints done on Jan 22 but the next day I got the same exact paper that told me to go on the 22 to go next month. I don't know if they made a mistake or if I actually have to get my fingerprints done again. Anybody know why this happened?

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i would call USCIS and tell them you received one letter stating that your bios appt was on Jan 22 but then you received a second one.

more then likely, they will tell you to disregard the 2nd one if you've already done your bios.

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it shouldnt. the process starts after you've done your bios. just make sure that when you call you let them know about both the 2 letters and that you've already taken your bios on the date the first letter stated. you should also have the 1st letter stamped from your bios appt.

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