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How Long Does It Take For Your Social !?

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I just apply today they say it may take up up to 4 weeks but I ve see some of you get it before what's usually the waiting process!?

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Usually it takes 7-14 days to arrive in the mail.

I went to apply on a Friday, the 21st of December, then I went back to the SSA the 27th to get a printout and that's the same day they had shipped the card to me.

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when my brother & I went they gave us a print out (like a confirmation receipt) and it stated on there that if we didn't get it within two weeks to contact them. I got it a week after, my brother still hasn't got his.. I have to get in contact, but it should depend where you live.

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So if it depends where you live!? I live in Dallas Texas does it take long in the paper I got it said up to 4 weeks but I ve been reading that that most of the people get it with in a week business days!???

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