
3 Months And Still Jobless =[

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Since day one I have been applying and I have gone to a few interviews but did not get the job. I wish I were better at these things, Lack of experience I have only worked at fast food places. So I do not have any retail experience. But I won't lose hope, Im trying my best.

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There must be something that the interviewers don't like on you, is it the way you dress? don't communicate properly?

Don't lose hope, there must be something out there waiting for you :)

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I hope not, I try to dress nice. I dont know.

Thanks. ^_^

alicia, Walk into the interview with confidence as if you had prior experience. Keep eye contact at all times. And, if necessary mention the fact that you just received your work permit and you have prior experience that you couldn't include on the application. Most probably, they would understand that you had been working under the table because, immigration has been a hot topic for the past 5 years or so. If you don't want to detail out your situation, the best thing you can do at a job interview is have an attitude that shows you are ready for the challenge that the work might bring.

Form my experience, If you get invited to an interview, it means you qualify for the job but they are not sure if you would fit in for their work culture. So, high confidence with the right attitude would most probably get you the job sooner than you would expect. Don't be too cocky nor too shy be in the middle and I would assure you, they would call back. Lastly, if you don't hear from them, just drop in unannounced or call them and ask how your application process is going.

G'luck and don't give up.

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alicia, Walk into the interview with confidence as if you had prior experience. Keep eye contact at all times. And, if necessary mention the fact that you just received your work permit and you have prior experience that you couldn't include on the application. Most probably, they would understand that you had been working under the table because, immigration has been a hot topic for the past 5 years or so. If you don't want to detail out your situation, the best thing you can do at a job interview is have an attitude that shows you are ready for the challenge that the work might bring.

Form my experience, If you get invited to an interview, it means you qualify for the job but they are not sure if you would fit in for their work culture. So, high confidence with the right attitude would most probably get you the job sooner than you would expect. Don't be too cocky nor too shy be in the middle and I would assure you, they would call back. Lastly, if you don't hear from them, just drop in unannounced or call them and ask how your application process is going.

G'luck and don't give up.

That's really good advice Im even going to take all of this into consideration

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This is the very common girl. I have a bachelor's in science and lots of experience working, but I still couldn't land a good job for almost 2 months after I got DACA. Just keep it up. Remember that sometimes the jobs we apply to get hundreds of applicants and they will give the job to the person with the matching qualifications, so even if you have a great resume and personality the job is not cut out for a certain person already.

I agree with Splif about going into the interview feeling and looking confident. I had terrible interviews at first because I was so nervous and shy but then after 7 interviews I started getting confident and towards the end I had companies trying to sell me the position. There is a fine line between being cocky and being confident, but honestly it is much better than leave an impression of being shy.

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I had the same problem when I went to get a job. Only fast food experience. I didn't get the first job I went to. But you know what, I searched google up and down for tips, I sat in front of the mirror practiced answers and tried to emphasize the things I was good at, imagined possible answers and questions. I also looked for answers and questions that the interviews would ask me. I walked in there sweating so freaking much, and I talked so much and smiled so much, I got the job. lol I lost the job because my papers did nor arrive yet, but they are expecting me back as soon as I get my papers. I thought I would never get it though, it was such a sophisticated place, never in a million years, but you know, keep practicing, do not leave it for the last minute, that is what went wrong for me the first time. Practice, practice, because if they are calling you for interviews, there must be something on your resumee they like, just practice to death, imagine every possible scenario. And always emphasize the good things about yourself. Good luck, do not give up, there is something for all of us out there when we want it enough. :D

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