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Second Bio Appointment

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Let me just say that I knew my case was gonna get screwed up some how.Last night I received a letter to take my bios.Well the thing is I already took them on NOV 9 it was a walk in.My appointment was Nov 30.So I called USCIS this morning and I guess I just have to retake them because something went wrong.So here I am guys 54 days after my bios and now I have to start all ove.I was half way there well at least I thought.Trying to rely on my faith but all I can think off is "why me lord"? Pray for me peoples please.

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Yes but y so far into my case I was half way there.Why didn't they catch this SOONER? Makes me think my application was just sitting there collecting dust.Sorry I have to vent!

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something went wrong??? like what, they lost your fingerprints?? i think that's crap.

i know when i went from my bios, the lady did each finger at least twice until the print was green.

who knows maybe after this time, you'll get approved fast!! :)

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That's exactly how i felt! I took my bio on sept 28th & they barely sent my RFE on Jan 28th & i received it today. Luckily the evidence their asking for is easy to obtain after this tiny delay I'm hoping i will get approved! Keeping the Faith! :)

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what!? really! :/ .... I'll be praying for you :) , God knows why He does/allow things :) .... like some people said, I'm sure after you do yours bios again you will receive your approval faster :) .

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This problem seems to be happening to people who are doing the "walk-in" to do their biometrics instead of following the actual scheduled date for biometrics. I'm not certainly sure that that is the main cause but it's best to follow whatever they tell you. The other reason maybe due to missteps during the biometrics process. Anyway, I wish you the best.

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There's another thread on the other forum and he says that he got a second Biometrics appointment today after attending his scheduled appointment the 16th of January. He noticed that his second Biometrics notice doesn't have his middle name.

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I wonder what the problem is, either the employees who handle these cases are incompetent or the system is pathetic. I'm angry just hearing these stories.

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In your case I think you should do another "walk-in", because waiting another 20+ plus days to do another biometrics is ridiculously long.

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JoseG I also noticed that my second bio letter only has one of my last names.The first one had both

Hmm... that's weird.

I wonder why they're doing that.

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Hey guys ijust checked my mail and guess what i just got a second appointment for my bios and i went that same day of my appointment i did mine on nov. 30 and just received the second one today for the 26 of this month. and i noticed that in this one it doesnt have my middle name in it either..

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I've had the same problem. I went in for my appointment, took my fingerprints and the next day I got another notice. I went to the biometrics place and they told me to ignore it. A couple days ago I recieved ANOTHER one in the mail so now I have no idea what to do and I'm staring to get frustrated.

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