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Paperwork for Deferred Act

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Hi everyone!!!!

Hows everyone doing collecting their paperwork for this Deffered Act?

Im ready!!!!

Got all my school documents and transcripst and after I graduated I did a bit of volunteering at local childrens schools, so I have paperwork for that.

I also have copies of my leases and bills to show where/when I have resided at different locations..

Hope everyone is as ready as I am..... :rolleyes:

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I don't have everything exactly ready but I know where to go and get everything I need. I have folders and different things. I would assume showing them that you graduted middle and high school diploma would do just fine.

List some things that you've gathered if you girls/guys want to!

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I started with the immunization card I was issued when I was enrolled in school. I have a vaccination card from my home country (Mexico) and when my mother showed that, all that information was transfeered to a Texas immunization card.

I have the final report cards from kindergarten to middle school.

I have all my student ids issued in middle school and high school.

I have the final school transcript from my high school.

I have my high school diploma.

I have paperwork showing I took online community college classes.

I have certificates issued for being a volunteer at different childrens schools.

When I was able to afford my own apartment, I have the leases and bills under my name.

I tend to be OCD and have them organized by date and utility.

Thats all I got for now...

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The sooner you make phone calls to collect paper work, the better.

Some outfits, institutions keep paperwork only 3 years prior to todays date. Itll take a bit to either go to the offices and get copies of paperwork or get it mailed/faxed and some of these outfits charge for that.

I think we all want to have our paperwork readly for when the Deferred Act application is released, we can be first in line to apply.

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im still try to found my middle school work.

all i have is about high school right now and my soccer picture and home coming king picture on the local news paper

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The days are getting closer. Start listing some more things guys so that if someone has trouble finding something or doesn't have that, they can find other things to work out.

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Does anyone know exactly how much documentation they need to prove that I was here for the last 5 years?

I had a joint bank account with my mom and I have a couple of credit cards. I'm going to get all the financial statements from 2007 on, but thats a heap load of paperwork to send. I guess what I'm asking is do I need ALL that proof or will one financial statement from each year be fine?

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lol Navidad XD

Well I guess I do not really have everything I should. But this is what I've got:

-Birth certificate

-Immunization card

-The passport I used to get here

-A new passport

-Matricula ("Mexican ID")

-Middle School diploma

-Some of my final report cards

-Very few ID's from school

-High School diploma

-A couple letters from teachers that say how good of a student I was...

-Proof of residence (btw, I was wondering if it matters that they only show my parents' names...?)

-My University Acceptance letter

-University class-schedule (I have not started)

And I am in process of getting my high school transcript, and my elementary diploma because that one got lost.


Good luck everyone!

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