
I Finally Got Approved!!!!

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After a long wait and yesterday giving up and completely being broke!! No phone no money for books and items I need for school god smiled at me and finally send me good news today!! I received three notification emails saying I have been approved and my card was sent into production yesterday!!! I got them at 5:00am so that was really early! Omg I'm finally going to be able to work in the hospitals and finish my nursing career!! Help my dad with his business and move on in life legally. I'm extremely happy and hope everyone else gets approved so we can finally live our lives without fear!!! And rock on!!!!! :D

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How awesome is that huh. Just when you least expect, there it is. That is so great, I am sure it is a weight lifted off your shoulders. Congratulations, I hope you get it all done very soon, and turn into a great nurse! I am very happy for you, and we all soon will be approved and feeling the same happiness to have this opportunity. :D

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Every time I check my email I make sure I'm wide awake and read carefully... Like this morning u checked my email and you know those stupid spam emails about loans well I saw one that said "you just got approved" but I opened it and it for a loan :( lmao

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How awesome is that huh. Just when you least expect, there it is. That is so great, I am sure it is a weight lifted off your shoulders. Congratulations, I hope you get it all done very soon, and turn into a great nurse! I am very happy for you, and we all soon will be approved and feeling the same happiness to have this opportunity. :D

Thank you so much!

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Every time I check my email I make sure I'm wide awake and read carefully... Like this morning u checked my email and you know those stupid spam emails about loans well I saw one that said "you just got approved" but I opened it and it for a loan :( lmao

Really well mines said USCIS so I was like omg omg what is this!!! and yea it was the approval

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SAWEET!!! So happy for you. Now the good times and happy years come to you. Good luck and go kick life in the butt!

Thanks I am ready to kick life in the butt and get the ball rolling I finally get to work in what I always wanted to !!! yay lol

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Congrats Erika!! Trust me I know what it's like to be broke. I am so happy for you, and let's prove the politicians who think will be a drag to this nation wrong!!! Good luck with your nursing career!!

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After a long wait and yesterday giving up and completely being broke!! No phone no money for books and items I need for school god smiled at me and finally send me good news today!! I received three notification emails saying I have been approved and my card was sent into production yesterday!!! I got them at 5:00am so that was really early! Omg I'm finally going to be able to work in the hospitals and finish my nursing career!! Help my dad with his business and move on in life legally. I'm extremely happy and hope everyone else gets approved so we can finally live our lives without fear!!! And rock on!!!!! :D


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