
Question About Banking!

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I had Bank of America but I ended up owing them $150 now that with new ssn can I apply again? Will they find out? I will pay the $150 but i was just wondering! I just wanted to know if we really do start from scratch from now on!

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If I am not mistaken, once you get new SSN # you can't merge your previous credit history to the new one. It is like starting out fresh so try your best to keep your history clean.

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If I am not mistaken, once you get new SSN # you can't merge your previous credit history to the new one. It is like starting out fresh so try your best to keep your history clean.

You can if she was using a valid ITIN, if you used a fake ssn which I doubt you can do that to a bank, then no.

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if you are willing to pay those fees, i dont think it matters. If your name doesnt pop up as a debtor, yo save yourself $150. and you are good to go....:)

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It is interesting some banks won't ask for a SSN or ITIN. I had to have my dad sign my account paperwork and all that because he had a valid SSN because otherwise they wouldn't let me open one. I wonder if they changed the rules now.

Either way now with DACA we will be able to get our credit history going. wOOOh HooOO

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i know back in 2005 when i first open my bank account with WaMu, all i used was my valid passport. then this time around when i switched banks to BofA, i used my SSN and DL.

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If I am not mistaken, once you get new SSN # you can't merge your previous credit history to the new one. It is like starting out fresh so try your best to keep your history clean.

Ok, so this is a question from a friend of mine ( I tried convincing him to sign up, but doesn't have a comp), so I'll pass down the info w/him :D

About 5 years ago he had BofA using his ITIN, and because of overdraft fees he ended up owing them, if he wants to apply for an acct with his name and new ss# would his name "pop up" as a debtor?

My reasoning is no, 'cause of the new SS #, but he says they took a picture of him?! O.o

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Yes, it will pop up if there are collections against you just pay what you owe and then you can start fresh. The money is not yours. Some people end up not being able to have an account for 5 or more years if the bank feels you have outstanding collection bills as a punishment even if you pay them. You might have to use a different bank after you pay what you owe.

Understand that your personal documents are chained with each other...IRS and itin to SSS#, from passport or matricula from birth certificate which you used to obtain DACA...background checks etc.


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Understand that your personal documents are chained with each other...IRS and itin to SSS#, from passport or matricula from birth certificate which you used to obtain DACA...background checks etc.


Thanks for your input, but per the information I have collected in this forum and the source you provided, unless you notify the Credit Bureau previous credit in ITIN is not transferred. I understand that passport, matricula and b-certificate have the same info; are you implying that previous credit history will be carried on regardless of the new SS# since the bank has your name and birthdate from your passport/matricula?

Thank you for your answer, I would like to pass down as much info as I can to my friend.

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Thanks for your input, but per the information I have collected in this forum and the source you provided, unless you notify the Credit Bureau previous credit in ITIN is not transferred. I understand that passport, matricula and b-certificate have the same info; are you implying that previous credit history will be carried on regardless of the new SS# since the bank has your name and birthdate from your passport/matricula?

Thank you for your answer, I would like to pass down as much info as I can to my friend.

Thanks for your input, but per the information I have collected in this forum and the source you provided, unless you notify the Credit Bureau previous credit in ITIN is not transferred. I understand that passport, matricula and b-certificate have the same info; are you implying that previous credit history will be carried on regardless of the new SS# since the bank has your name and birthdate from your passport/matricula?

Thank you for your answer, I would like to pass down as much info as I can to my friend.

The history won't transfer itself, you have to contact all 3 mayor credit companies to have your credit score transferred from the ITIN to the Ssn. That process can take a month and if you owe money it will most likely show on your new credit history.

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