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How did y'all send y'all's app? Is there a certain way? In folder, paper clip, stapled etc? I remember reading somewhere that you need a certain folder and hole punched but now that I searched for it to make sure I can't find anything about it. Please help. Last thing I need is to be denied because I didn't sent it right lol

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Everything that came to me stapled, such as my driving offenses, I took copies of it and put paper clips. Nothing stapled, everything separated by paper clips. All bank statements together, all school paperwork together, all passports together and in order. I did not staple anything, I was afraid they would get pissed haha. I just sent in in a manilla folder and put it inside a big USPS envelope. The one thing they tell you is that, if you are going to sign up for the txt msg service, you MUST put that on top of everything else, so, as soon as they open it, they see your cell number and get it done.

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NONSENSE! It doesn't matter if you staple it or not, they don't specify that anywhere. The most important thing is that you send in your documents properly signed and filled-in.

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i stapled my bank accounts to make sure they were together and got approved. i made sure i had them organized in the order that they have the checklist at the USCIS web. i also used paper clips on many things that i felt needed to stay together like my diplomas from elementary through college.

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NONSENSE! It doesn't matter if you staple it or not, they don't specify that anywhere. The most important thing is that you send in your documents properly signed and filled-in.


It's better to just not use stapes. If you have papers that need to go together, then just stack them together or use a paper clip.

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NONSENSE! It doesn't matter if you staple it or not, they don't specify that anywhere. The most important thing is that you send in your documents properly signed and filled-in.

Someone didn't read the instruction.. It does say not to use thing hard to dissasemble.

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What is so hard about removing a staple from a paper? There are Staple removers and I'm sure they have it handy when they need it. There's absolutely nothing wrong about stapling your documents when sending them in. If stapling your papers works for you than do it!

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There's absolutely nothing wrong about stapling your documents when sending them in.

Apart from them saying not to use staples?

Sure they probably won't return your application because of it, but they advise you not to do it.

All of this is just advice, do whatever the........ - Hodgetwins lol.

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What says your case won't be delayed because it was stapled when they said not to.

What if someone at the office says, "erm don't feel like taking the time to unstapple all the documents.. *sets documents stappled aside and continues with others who did follow the instructions*.

I don't know, think about it.

My advise, don't staple anything. Use Binder Clips, you can find like 40 small ones for 5 bucks at staples, or office max.

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How did y'all send y'all's app? Is there a certain way? In folder, paper clip, stapled etc? I remember reading somewhere that you need a certain folder and hole punched but now that I searched for it to make sure I can't find anything about it. Please help. Last thing I need is to be denied because I didn't sent it right lol

I didnt do anything to the papers i just sent them in order of sections from the app!

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Wow!! I hadn't seen that link with the instructions for mailing :blink:

I used a two-hole punch binding clip thingy. My packet was about 1.5inches thick so I thought black clips wouldnt be enough :(

I ordered mine in sections, diving the bank statements, all school records, all community service, all awards and diplomas, all proof of presence on june 15th (three different proofs) and medical documents, pharmacy history, and on top of it all were cover pages and in the very front a table of contents.

THe only thing I JUST noticed from the link with the info JoseG just put up was that it said to put the tab at the bottom..... I put them on the side :o


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