
Eric Cantor On Immigration: Children Of The Undocumented Should Get Citizenship

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IDK how I missed this yest but eric the red neck of republicans is going all out about citizenship on meet the press.

WASHINGTON, Feb 10 (Reuters) - A top U.S. Republican lawmaker said on Sunday he would support granting citizenship to children who are undocumented in the country in a sign that conservatives who oppose immigration amnesty will be playing defense as Congress takes on immigration reform in the coming months.

Representative Eric Cantor, the No. 2 Republican in the House of Representatives, said Congress could make quick progress on immigration if lawmakers agreed to give citizenship to children - an idea he opposed when it came up for a vote in 2010 as the DREAM Act.

"The best place to begin, I think, is with the children. Let's go ahead and get that under our belt, put a win on the board," Cantor said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Cantor is leading an effort to improve his party's image as many Republicans worry they will be consigned to irrelevancy in coming years if they do not reach out to the fast-growing Latino electorate, which strongly supports immigration reform.

President Barack Obama has made immigration reform a top priority of his second term in office and a bipartisan group of senators is working to draft legislation that would tackle the issue in a comprehensive manner, rather than the piecemeal approach that Cantor suggested. Read more

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To children? What would childrens do with citizenship?

What a low move!

I think he is taking about undocumented children who came here without there choice. And, once you and I become a citizen, we can apply for our parents. The question is, where is the cutoff line on age limit ?

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I think he is taking about undocumented children who came here without there choice. And, once you and I become a citizen, we can apply for our parents. The question is, where is the cutoff line on age limit ?

Yeah children makes me thing below the age of 14 -.- that would be a disaster because then parents would have to sign all the papers and since they are illegal, wouldn't there be a risk? Going to USCIS, possibly to immigration directly. =/

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I don

Yeah children makes me thing below the age of 14 -.- that would be a disaster because then parents would have to sign all the papers and since they are illegal, wouldn't there be a risk? Going to USCIS, possibly to immigration directly. =/

If it was under the age of 14 then it is completely useless to do a reform. But, they haven't said the age limit yet and I am sure the parents would be safe.

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