
How much is your lawyer taxing you?

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For those that got themselves a lawyer, how much are you paying him/her for thier services to help you fill out the application?

Just a good measure to see what you guys/girls are paying to help you fill out the applications.

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I'm paying $100 to have the applications filled out and sent with the documents required.

Then I have to pay for the application fees, etc.

In total it will be close to $600 with taxes if any.

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Im paying 1000 for everything :( I live in the rockies everything is expensive here. this was the cheapest I could find..there is this lawyer in the radio she is charging 2000+the 460 for the applications !!! and people are going to see her !!!

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Great price Rawf

Ive seen people charging up to 1000 and this isnt including the application fees...some attorneys will get an earl xmas...

Oh that's for sure, the attorney I'm using is a non-profit and helps with immigration issues. I've heard so many good things about him that I had to book an appointment and see for myself. I wish I would get $100/hour at my job. :P

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I've asked at 2 different places and they both said $250 here in California for the paperwork and translation of Birth Certificate, but they aren't lawyers, I believe they notaries.

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this is exactly why i didnt use a lawyer!!!

in the past i have gone to lawyers to help with my complicated case and have gotten no where. $75 here for a consulation, $50 there, all of that adds up. i'm figuring that i could have bought a car with all the money i have spent on lawyers.

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I payed 300! Something bit not a lawyer



I forgot to update my previous post, so I will do it now.

I decided to fill out the application myself and save the $100, after all the application is very straight forward and I haven't had any issues with the law.

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Even at $100, it seems like a lot to fill out an application. The lawyer can't do anything else besides fill out the application. I might sound a bit harsh, but if you can't fill out a simple application then... well It's just a shame. Grant it, there might be reason for getting a lawyer if you need advise as to whether to file or not. But then again, lawyers want to get paid, so there's a greater chance they will advice to apply for DACA than not. No matter the case and whether you qualify or not. Anyway, sorry for the rant. It's really towards the people who allow themselves to be taken advantage of.

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Thank you for posting this because I was wondering too. My lawyer hasn't answered me & told me how much I will be paying for this. (I had originally hired him to apply through my husband but then changed it to the DACA thing) and I had only given him the deposit money & a "monthly" payment of $187. But we never put any forms in or anything. And he was charging me $2100 for that. So after he agreed to change it to the DACA thing he said he would calculate the fees but his assistant emailed me the forms and asked me to fill in what was missing & I haven't done that yet because I'm waiting to see how much they say I willl owe them after this.

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I live in Orlando, Fl and I had no luck finding somewhere to do it for free or cheap. I found one and I'm paying $1200. The lawyer was willing to make a contract that i pay him $100 a month because I couldnt pay him in full at the time. So far my step father paid him $400. Its not really a big deal and I'm positive I will get approved so I can pay the rest faster and soon:)

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Ok guys I paid a total of $1000 for everything. I paid $465 for the paperwork, $500 for the lawyer fees, and $35 for the overnight delivery. I am glad I already got approved. I hope to not rehire him for renewal.

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Ok guys I paid a total of $1000 for everything. I paid $465 for the paperwork, $500 for the lawyer fees, and $35 for the overnight delivery. I am glad I already got approved. I hope to not rehire him for renewal.

Where did your application get sent to? Vermont office?

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Why are you guys wasting so much money on lawyers? Anyone who qualifies for DACA shouldn't have problem filling out the application form at all, the form is really straight forward and not to mention that it even comes with instructions if you need it. LoL

Anyone who hasn't yet filed out his/her application and needs help should really reach out to us or more importantly to the moderator JoseG, i'm sure he'll be glad to help anyone free of charge. :D ...but no one really have to pay hundreds of dollars for a lawyer and not to mention that even with the lawyers help it won't make your case be processed any faster than those who didn't hire a lawyer. If you don't understand anything seek free help from a friend, a parent or a teacher or drop by this forum, there's a lot of helpful people here. :)

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Some people have to use lawyers if they have problems with their records. I've helped many people whos application wasn't going to be straight forward. It honestly was a little confusing to me so I had a lawyer do everything for me. I didn't wanna risk the chance of an rfe or otherwise.

But yes, anyone can always post in the forums with questions and problems. There's an answer for everything!

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I paid $1000 to help out with application+$100 for consultation and plus the $465. A total of $1565.

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