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So I've heard about this before, it happens a lot to one of my friends and yesterday it happened to me ... It was like I was dream but I could hear the sounds in my room... But in my dream a girl that I used to know was holding me down from my chest and somehow was knoking on a door and like I tried to say something or like scream and I just couldn't :S

Has this happened to someone here?

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OMG, yes. it's happened to me a few times. usually when i'm nervous or anxious about something. but yeah, it feels like someone is holding you down and you cant move, you can hear everything around you. with me too, i cant open my eyes. like they're glued shut or something.

the first time, it happened, it freaked me out, i woke up yelling and my mom came running into my room and scared because she didnt know what was going on.

it hasnt happened to me in quite a while, which i'm happy about, lol

maybe this has some insight about it.

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They say u can learn to control what ur dreaming 0.o that would be cool

But yeah it's scary and my chest was hurting a lot ( it's like where my ribs end) like if someone punched me :(

They also said that if u sleep on ur back it's more probable

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Yeah there is two theories bout that Ctually, one is that there is a demon or dead.person walking past you or trying to eneter your body while you sleep. Second is the scientific theory witch is that your body is asleep but you mind is awake. Its happen to me before nd to be honest it stoped after I took down any mirrors in my room that were agains wall leading outside, supposedly spirits can enter your house if you have a mirror whos backside leads outside.

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Haha yess this has happend to me more then 100 times since I was a child I bealive the science part of why this happence everytime this happence to me I'm usually distracted or nervous about something it's really scary thought one time I dreamed a bad demon was pulling me from my arm to the darkness and I woke up with my arm hurting :/ Creepy!!! The worst is when I've herd people or creepy screams yell in my ear!!!

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I'd like to add witchcraft - I have heard similar stories from people that were actually attacked by witches in farming towns back in Colombia or even here in the not discard witchcraft...voodoo and santeria are done constantly here in Miami, and witchcraft is prevalent in latin america.

Just thought I could share this...


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I don't seem to understand...but it sounds funny LOL

LoL, I don't seem to understand the whole superstition stuff either... I was just going off topic and saying that for the girls on the gif

when people trip about what thr dream, this is what I think ... minus their eyes wide open


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It is called lucid dreaming. It can happen to anyone and it has been studied by psychology several times. I also have similar dreams where I know something bad is going to happen so I can control the rest of my dream. I don't think it is witchcraft or voodoo haha.

I mean if it keeps happening and some weird stuff start happening around your house then yeah that is just weird but for the most part lucid dreaming is just the brain being aware of what you are dreaming.

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It is called lucid dreaming. It can happen to anyone and it has been studied by psychology several times. I also have similar dreams where I know something bad is going to happen so I can control the rest of my dream. I don't think it is witchcraft or voodoo haha. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Lucid_dream

I mean if it keeps happening and some weird stuff start happening around your house then yeah that is just weird but for the most part lucid dreaming is just the brain being aware of what you are dreaming.

You know what they say about dreams RR, 'Dreams are answers to questions that we don't seem to have while we are conscious'


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Omg that happened to me a few times,like I couldn't move my body or open my eyes. But I could feel everything around me also to mention pain my chest/ribs. Like something heavy is pulling me towards them and someone saying or blowing air on my ear What causes this ?

Does not happen to me anymore though thank God!

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