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OMG I CANT STOP LAUGHING LOL (u got people staring at me)

ur crazy ... where do u get all this $hit!!! haha

Try it tonite

That is some freaky stuff! I am scared to try it...

Regarding where I find my stuff...


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It's weard course I feel like some one is pushing me down and I can see everything in my room and I can't scream then I some how close my eyes and I say like god is with me god is with me and I wake up

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and you know everything can be just created in our dreams but i woke up and my cheast/ribs were hurting alot . its like the same that happened to u happend to me but without god lol and so yeah that pain cant still be there after i wake up 0.o if it was something created unconsiously by our mind .. but the pain lasted all day

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I experience this a lot, you learn to control it and make it stop after a while. You always find a way to make your body respond right away.

About controlling your dreams, that is also true. When you are dreaming wake your brain and then you are free to do as you wish in your own dream, but I read it isn't recommended to take control of your dreams because you can get into a deep comma.

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Hahaha Charlie Nd frank!!!

Anyways I had the exact same thing happen to me

Except I was shrooms so I guess this doesn't really apply but

Scary shit though :D



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I have tons of lucid dreams! I can control everything in my dream, weird part is I know Im dreaming! The only sucky parts are when you are trying to run fast and you just cant do it, irritates the crap out of me! Or when you are trying to scream and can't.. ugh! Hate it! Every night... It's pretty normal for me.. lol..

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OMG!! I had sleep paralysis once and every time I tell a friend or something, they look at me like I'm crazy or something! I was just asleep and all of a sudden, my eyes opened and my vision was a little screwed up. I looked to my door (it was open and there was light coming in) and I saw a dark figure standing there and just watching me. I was TERRIFIED! I tried to move and talk, but I couldn't. It felt like it lasted for an hour, but I think it was really a minute or two. After that, I just fell right back was so freaky

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It is called lucid dreaming. It can happen to anyone and it has been studied by psychology several times. I also have similar dreams where I know something bad is going to happen so I can control the rest of my dream. I don't think it is witchcraft or voodoo haha. http://en.wikipedia....iki/Lucid_dream

I mean if it keeps happening and some weird stuff start happening around your house then yeah that is just weird but for the most part lucid dreaming is just the brain being aware of what you are dreaming.

I think you're confusing the sleep paralysis. Lucid dreaming is when you can control your dreams, and even tell yourself to wake up in the middle of your dream, but that's not what taramo35 is talking about. She's talking about sleep paralysis, which is a state you're in when you're between being awake and being asleep. It's often the result of interrupted REM (rapid eye movement) sleep and is characterized by muscle weakness, which explains the inability to move. It's also common to have these awful visions that evoke fear and the fact that you can't move or talk makes it even scarier. Like when it happened to me, I thought there was some random just watching me while lay there, helpless, trying to figure out what to do to me. It was beyond scary.

I don't mean to be one of those snobs that always corrects people, but I just wanted you to know the difference because this is a topic that interests me very much! I didn't mean for this to be so long haha! And congrats on the job of your dreams!!!!

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