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When Do You Start Counting After Bios Or......?

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I have called uscis 4 times now and every time I ask, when do I start counting , the moment they received my application or after the bios? And I always get the same answer they start counting from the day they received the application!! if you guys called please let us know what they tell you, Vermont center is slow but I really hope they approved me soon. good luck guys.

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thank you rawf when people called they tell you all kinds of things they don't even know what to tell you anymore!! like one of the times I called the lady told me that Vermont center were on the july month cases and I said to her but they didn't start receiving daca applications until august 15 , and she still told me that same thing I was like ok thank you have a good day!! I didn't mean to be rude but that was kind of odd!!

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Well, when people were calling in to do Service Requests at 3 months for the I-765, USCIS was going off of the Received Date.

The member named Luna was also told to call back next Thursday, which would be 6 months after her Received Date.

I would try doing a Service Request 6 months after the Received Date, just to see what the Service Center says.

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thank you jose and rawf! im still far away from the 6 month but I see a few cases past the 6 months and they done service request and all they tell you is to wait 15 days so will see!

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