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False Us Citizen Claim

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So I been working at a hospital under someone ssn But my name and stuff is under me i told my employee kinda about my situation and that I had to update (i-9 form) and ssn to my legit one since I got approved so I did no issue but then I was thinking about consequences and on my old application I had marked down us citizen

And Now i was complete honest now and marked it as legal alien. We changed payroll company recently so the lady had no idea. What do u guys think so far the lady hasn't said anything.

I'm afraid this will haunt me down the road when I apply for a green card

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Shouldn't that have come up when they did the background checks for DACA?

Anyways, that's not something to be taken lightly if it is found out.

For the most part, U.S. immigration laws are complex and confusing. Some are little known or frequently overlooked. Some carry serious consequences that may result in a permanent bar to immigrating to the U.S. One provision that is especially problematic is section 212(a)(6)© of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). This dictates that any foreign national who falsely claims to be a U.S. citizen for any purpose or benefit under the INA or any federal or state law, including to obtain a job or vote in the U.S., is permanently inadmissible to the U.S. Such a false claim also makes the person removable from the U.S. The law covers all false U.S. citizenship (USC) claims made on or after September 30, 1996, and does not provide any waiver to overcome the bar.

Maybe someone here has a family member that had to go through this process?

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I-9 must be kept by the employer either for three years after the date of hire or for one year after employment is terminated, whichever is later

Q.What should I do if I need to update or reverify an I-9 for an employee who filled out an earlier version of the form?

You may line through any outdated information and initial and date any updated information. You may also choose, instead, to complete a new I-9.

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I updated my I-9 form

They didn't say anything

My old documents got shredded I just hope it doesn't affect me I honestly didn't know before. Our company terminated our old payroll company

I guess I gotta have faith and hope for the best

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