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Service Request

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i finally called USCIS and made a service request yesterday, the first time i called i spoke to a spanish speaking officer :/ i asked him if i could put a service request because i have been waiting for over 6 months now, he said he couldn't make a service request since the offices now are taking longer than 6 months to process the applications i was pretty disappointed and frustrated :(

I decided to call back but this time i spoke to someone in english, as soon as she picked up the phone she was pretty rude to me "poor me"

Me:" Hi i was wondering if i can place a service request on a pending case?"

Officer: why ?

so i thought :o i have to change tactics here and be very polite to this frustrated officer who probably gets thousand of phone calls every day"

Me : "OH because i been waiting for over 6 months now, and i was wondering if there is a way i can find out about the current status of my case since i haven't received anything form the Vermont Processing center since september"

Officer: "give me your receipt number"

i gave her my receipt # and she goes like "wait a minute" she still sounded rude :/

Than i noticed that she did not put me on hold, i started making conversation to her about how was her job O_O that i cant imagine how many phone calls she must get a day etc etc etc, after that her attitude totally changed and she was talking and talking asking about the weather here in Jersey and how hot is in Texas etc etc O_o finally she made the service request and she said i should be getting a letter by March 16

My point here is that all this officer are swamped with phone-calls every single day, they probably get tired and frustrated too, and some dreamers are just calling for the silliest things, i have been looking at other blogs and people are even calling them after a month of their biometrics, we have to be patient and really nice and polite when calling them, we can't demand something just because its overdue :o

Next time someone call just remember to put on your best act and be super polite :D and if they still say no for whatever reason call again : ) Good luck to everyone who still waiting since August and September.

i will be keep you guys updated on my status or if i receive any kind of letter from them !

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Thank you for your insight! I have yet to do a service request because it has barely been 3 months since my bios but if I do get to the point where I have to make one, I will keep this post in mind :)

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