
Other Forum Dilemmas & Warnings

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So I was an active member of forums for a while, and it was a very useful site that got me through my application, without the help of a lawyer. They have tons of info and a lot of DREAMers on there helping each other out. Probably a lot of you are members on there too.

But few dilemmas is my experience:

After being an active member and what not, I began to see a pattern of various individuals targeting me whenever I posted on threads, in trolling fashion. When a lot of cities across the nation were doing DACA celebration outings, I began to organize one for Indianapolis (since I saw lot of Indy members on there). Upon advertising the outing, suddenly, these "trolls" began harassing me, slandering the event! Saying that anti-immigrant groups will show up to cause trouble and all sorts of negativities (a trickery manuveur in attempt to scare away DREAMers from attending). I was baffled at why such hate...then while talking to other members on there...turns out those "trolls" were actually the moderators. Turns out, these moderators are power-hungry, attention-loving lunatics. They live on that forum, virtually. So their attempt to block any social gathering was their priority.

So of course, I started getting mad at these childish mind games. In a post, I called one of them an "idiot" and I got banned! Their reason was that I used "foul language". OMG!!! I seen other members use the F-word and N-bomb without any repercussions. I knew immediately this was personal is some odd way!!

So after being ban, some members kept in touch with me outside of the forums. I began to realize this occurrence was part of a pattern. Other notable members such as NotAPro, TommyDreamer, Angelz_beauty who provided with an amount of help and information to help other members with DACA. Those members become so popular there, and they just did it for the love of help. But these moderators saw that as a threat to their if the forums was some kind of popularity contest! So it was obvious, the moderators want ALL attention to them, regardless of the positive input we put in the forums.

NotAPro did contact me saying she was an active member for many years, and saw that the forums also had "secret agents" or "elements" who disguised themselves as DREAMers, but were actual members of anti-immigrant group such as minute men, ALIPAC among others, to spy and collect information from various members to have them deported. Two members were actually deported because of these fake profiles! That is when the forums were on high alert, and alerted everyone not to post ANY personal information, because these agents came and went to collect as much intel about us as possible. IT IS VERY POSSIBLE SOME OF THESE AGENTS MAY BE ACTIVE ON HERE AS WELL! BE CAREFUL!!!!!!

So that is why, everyone on there have weird screen names and odd avatars to hide their identity from these malevolent entities, unlike here, we feel safe posting our names and photos of ourselves.

Anyways, NotAPro was accused of being such "agent", pretending to be a legit DREAMer, which caused her to leave the forum after fake allegations and slanders upon her reputation. These moderators are control freaks!!!

So since is a large forum, with tons of helpful info and great members, the control freaks are damaging the integrity of DREAMers and causing all sorts of drama. One of them even advised on signing up on here, saying this forum is a ghost town and spamming runs rampant. Such BS!!!

So my fellow DREAMers from here, I have nothing but love and respect, and I felt it was my duty to report to you my experience at to you guys. Knowledge is power...and I was not the only one targeted...many others have fallen to victimized forum trolling of these lunatics.

I hope these lunatics do not hijack this forum (they are parasites!)

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I've heard of the "secret agents" before, they are usually in all immigration forums and that's why you shouldn't give addresses or full information on your whereabouts.

Those who give such information should be aware of the dangers, not just you, also your family and extensive list of friends who are yet not legal in the country.

I'm thankful that you decided to make such post here and I've been to that forum a few times, seeing the hatred and negative vibe most everyone gives I decided to stay away from it as much as possible.

This may not be the busiest forum of them all, but we have form a group of lovely and friendly people who are willing to do anything and everything to help others, yes there are sometimes when we simply react the wrong way, but we are also humans.

I love this place, I see people inspiring others to continue with their dreams even when they are still in the waiting game.

You can also interact with active members in the chat room which aren't always talking about daca, but also very random and funny topics :D

Once again, thank you for taking the time to make this post.

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Uhmm first of all, this person was banned for insulting other members and overall creating drama through the forum. Not only that but her twitter reflects what kind of person she is.

Be warned of the not work safe pictures in there

Edited by Rawf
Link removed due to pornography and inappropriate content.

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The secret agents are running an agenda financed by the Illuminati and the Bilderberg Group!

I am going to keep a lookout like...


Don't get caught with your pants down! They are among us!



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omg! stop twisting the facts and stirring up confusion!

aRandomDAPMember is actually @JustaProfileDAP on twitter from DAP. That person made that twitter last night (has no followers nor follows anyone) just to harass me on twitter. Now this person made an account here to continue harrassing me! Moderators, please banned aRandomDAPMember because that person keeps harassing me!

I insulted the trolls by calling them "idiots" because they kept talking a lot of crap saying the DACA party outings were nothing but trouble since all these anti-immigrant groups were going to show up to cause chaos and crap, just to scare away DREAMers from attending, and talking all sorts of crap about it. I got fed up with their negativity. Lot of negative vibes come from that foruma and got tired of it! THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED!

DAP moderators are just mad at me because I started to expose about the secret agents / trolls that are on DAP, who are actually from anti-immigrant groups such as the minutemen, ALIPAC and others, so they can put us on a list to have us or our families reported, or collect info on where we work to have raids at jobs.

But DAP does not alert the members about these agents because they dont want people to leave the forum, since they only care about being the most popular immigration forum, because, the more traffic you drive into a site, the more revenue the collect from ads.. that is the bottom line! they only care about their profits, and not the well-being of their members. They didnt care when 2 DREAMers were deported because they posted where they worked at, and these agents tipped off ICE, nor they care about a DACA DREAMer being stopped by ICE during their biometrics appointment (because they posted their biometrics appt date and place on the forum, and these agents gathered that info).

Bottom line, these trolls/agents are active, and we should be alerted of such facts, and not hide these facts in fear of "losing members" and losing revenue.

Please moderators on here, ban these harrassers and trolls.

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Guest MindwithDesire

omg! stop twisting the facts and stirring up confusion!

aRandomDAPMember is actually @JustaProfileDAP on twitter from DAP. That person made that twitter last night (has no followers nor follows anyone) just to harass me on twitter. Now this person made an account here to continue harrassing me! Moderators, please banned aRandomDAPMember because that person keeps harassing me!

DAP moderators are just mad at me because I started to expose about the secret agents / trolls that are on DAP, who are actually from anti-immigrant groups such as the minutemen, ALIPAC and others, so they can put us on a list to have us or our families reported, or collect info on where we work to have raids at jobs.

But DAP does not alert the members about these agents because they dont want people to leave the forum, since they only care about being the most popular immigration forum, because, the more traffic you drive into a site, the more revenue the collect from ads.. that is the bottom line! they only care about their profits, and not the well-being of their members. They didnt care when 2 DREAMers were deported because they posted where they worked at, and these agents tipped off ICE, nor they care about a DACA DREAMer being stopped by ICE during their biometrics appointment (because they posted their biometrics appt date and place on the forum, and these agents gathered that info).

Bottom line, these trolls/agents are active, and we should be alerted of such facts, and not hide these facts in fear of "losing members" and losing revenue.

Please moderators on here, ban these harrassers and trolls.


I don't believe that you have full intention of giving us people at this forum, a message of warning from anti-immigrant groups and such Cindy. While these things are in fact a reality (I give you that), I don't think its fair that you're coming to this forum where it seems to me, there is good camaraderie and good intention from everyone, to bring the negativity from a bad experience that you've had in other forums. I think for you its something more than just sending a message. You are upset. But guess what, that's what happens when you expose yourself on the internet to other men. Your message here has no value, and that I say because I checked your profile photo, one which is only appropriate for adult dating sites and such. I won't even go into detail with your twitter. Lastly, I will say that you need to respect yourself first in order to be respected in return.

Have a nice day, and think start thinking about your actions and better ways of getting attention.

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I don't believe that you have full intention of giving us people at this forum, a message of warning from anti-immigrant groups and such Cindy. While these things are in fact a reality (I give you that), I don't think its fair that you're coming to this forum where it seems to me, there is good camaraderie and good intention from everyone, to bring the negativity from a bad experience that you've had in other forums. I think for you its something more than just sending a message. You are upset. But guess what, that's what happens when you expose yourself on the internet to other men. Your message here has no value, and that I say because I checked your profile photo, one which is only appropriate for adult dating sites and such. I won't even go into detail with your twitter. Lastly, I will say that you need to respect yourself first in order to be respected in return.

Have a nice day, and think start thinking about your actions and better ways of getting attention.

Okay, my twitter and my personal life is no one's business. Everyone is entitiled to their lifestyle and stereotyping people is wrong. I am simply stating the facts, and not here to glorify my lifestyle and what not. I feel you guys are just discriminating me without knowing me. Is like if a muslim is trying to tell you something, and you critize them solely on their religion. Stop being children and start acting like adults. If you dont like my lifestyle, then thats on you and keep it to yourself. I dont be going around judging all the crazy religious or hobbiest people around. I am not shoving my beliefs down people's throat. Stop using my lifestyle as a way to divert from the issue I am trying to convey ok! gosh!

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You are distracting everyone from the purpose of this forum -_-

I don't care if there are undercover agents out there or here >_< as I said it last night I will gladly open the door to them o_O

Now can we just move on ????? Gosh I'm so tired of this topic and drama already :/

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stop defending these trolls/agents. They infiltrate forums all the time to cause confusion, drama, and spy on us. They leak info to ICE so they can raid workplaces and such. One DREAMer was detained by ICE on their biometrics appt!! this stuff is real, we need to filter these fake profiles with agenda to attack us!

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