
Me, Work, Unpaid Taxes. Help!

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Hello fellow dreamers, so as of late I've hearing a lot a about a potential immigration reform. I am currently waiting for my approval for deferred action.

I have a huge concern here, I have worked for six years at the same job which I acquired using a fake SSN as well as fake birthdate but did use my real name. The concern doesn't come from that however. For those six years, I have not done any taxes whatsoever because I always thought due to my illegal status I wouldn't be able to do them anyway. I never knew about what an ITIN was about until recently that I became familiar with the term on this forum.

I'm worried that for a possible immigration reform, one of the very important requirements is to have paid taxes on this country... I was told I could still do taxes for the past three years or two. The other thing is, I have no possession of these W-2 forms or whatever they're called since my workplace does not have my current home address but another which I lived years ago.

Does anyone know if I can still acquire these forms If I ask my boss? Do companies keep record of these to provide to employees in case they lose them?

I'd highly appreciate any helpful input you may have on this regard, thanks in advance!

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you just ask your boss for the form, thats weird , they always send them by mail when its time for taxes, but some bosses charge you to give you another copy, since you said you have a fake adress. or some dont charge depends what and ass he might be, when you do your taxes i think they give you and itt thingy not quite sure .

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itgonna takea hile if you go to the irs , just faster to ask hes boss woudlnt it be? unless hes bossdidnt report him for hes taxes then irs can help.

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