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Regarding Government Issued Id For Biometrics

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I recently recieved my biometrics appointment, and in 2 weeks, however I'm stuck in a dilemma because I have no government issued ID. my passport was lost when I was younger and I don't have a CA ID or any other state issued ID

however, I have a College ID, numerous ones in fact from each semester I attented college. I heard there are some places that will accept school IDs and some that don't I wanted to know what my options are if they don't accept my school ID

I have my birth certificate (from the Philippines)

about 3 different school IDs

copys of my USCIS recipts, appointments

and copys of my I-821 form w/ copies of my school IDs, High school Diploma, history of my attendance in school etc.

I looked up the Support Center online for my city but I couldn't find any telephone numbers or any contact information does anyone know what I shouild go or could do?

I feel like I'm so close but I'm afraid this bind might be troublesome with my process and I can't figure out what to do

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we lost my passport when I was younger, we were living in our van when we first moved to the CA and it was broken into and we couldn't get another copy of it :/

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that was the problem we had, when the van got broken into everything was stolen, our temp visa, ssn, and all that other stuff so we couldn't get another one because we had no proof of who we were. so I have no way of getting a new passport,

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College ID should be enough. But don't take just one.

I'm not entirely sure if College ID is considered a government identification, but they did ask for it when I did my biometrics even thought I gave them my passport.

I believe your local office number is in the letter you received.

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i've heard of some people using their college IDs and not having a problem but if i were you, i would take all my college IDs along with your birth certificate. if you sent in your birth certificate as evidence then it should have been translated. taking a copy of your translated birth certificate would be a good idea as well. seeing how the whole process doesnt take that long, i would arrive a few minutes early just so you have time in case you do need to explain anything.

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I recently recieved my biometrics appointment, and in 2 weeks, however I'm stuck in a dilemma because I have no government issued ID. my passport was lost when I was younger and I don't have a CA ID or any other state issued ID

however, I have a College ID, numerous ones in fact from each semester I attented college. I heard there are some places that will accept school IDs and some that don't I wanted to know what my options are if they don't accept my school ID

I have my birth certificate (from the Philippines)

about 3 different school IDs

copys of my USCIS recipts, appointments

and copys of my I-821 form w/ copies of my school IDs, High school Diploma, history of my attendance in school etc.

I looked up the Support Center online for my city but I couldn't find any telephone numbers or any contact information does anyone know what I shouild go or could do?

I feel like I'm so close but I'm afraid this bind might be troublesome with my process and I can't figure out what to do


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I recently recieved my biometrics appointment, and in 2 weeks, however I'm stuck in a dilemma because I have no government issued ID. my passport was lost when I was younger and I don't have a CA ID or any other state issued ID

however, I have a College ID, numerous ones in fact from each semester I attented college. I heard there are some places that will accept school IDs and some that don't I wanted to know what my options are if they don't accept my school ID

I have my birth certificate (from the Philippines)

about 3 different school IDs

copys of my USCIS recipts, appointments

and copys of my I-821 form w/ copies of my school IDs, High school Diploma, history of my attendance in school etc.

I looked up the Support Center online for my city but I couldn't find any telephone numbers or any contact information does anyone know what I shouild go or could do?

I feel like I'm so close but I'm afraid this bind might be troublesome with my process and I can't figure out what to do

All those identification documents are enough for them to let you take your Biometrics. However, if you don't want to take the risk of showing up on you scheduled date for Biometrics and they end up denying you to take you're Biometrics , I suggest that you try to do a walk-in before the actual schedule date, that way you can have time to reschedule you're Biometrics and figure out something else in the meanwhile.

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yeah that was the other situation I had in the Philippines once your over 18 and your not in that residence you give up your Citzenship, so in order for me to get my Passport again I would have to get a dual citzenship by traveling over there which i can't even do since I wasn't even a citzen here, the lawyer that I talked to that did my paperwork explained this to me haha -_- I swear I have the worst luck ever.

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