
Nc House To Pass Bill To Make Daca Licences Look Normal(No Pink Stripe)

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the N.C. Department of Transportation plans to clearly mark licenses issued to all other noncitizens, including permanent residents and visa holders.

The noncitizen designation will be part of a “next-generation” license coming out in December, DOT spokeswoman Greer Beaty said. All eligible drivers, including U.S. citizens, will be issued a next-generation license. Drivers can wait to get one until it is time to renew their license or can ask for the new license, Beaty said.

“We are in the process – and it is not finished – of designing the next generation of North Carolina driver’s licenses,” she said in a previous interview. “The goal is to have a clear designation for folks that are not U.S. citizens.”

That probably came up just so they wouldn't be bombarded with discrimination. Who in the right mind would do such thing? The less we need right now is spend money on useless different designs.

Treat everyone the same, why separate them between group?! It's the same country, same laws.

At the end of the road we are all people who had background checks and we all passed and were accepted, I think that's more than enough proof we deserve to be treated equally.

NC is taking it a little too far and we need to stand up and do something about this to protect our own future.

Together can make a huge difference, no matter what the law is or how powerful they are. It's them against all of us..

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That bill of eliminating "pink strips" on license have no chance of becoming law in North Carolina. The NC governor supports the pink strips license he's the one who signed off on that idea in the first place. They can hate all they want but they're fighting a losing battle, especially when it comes to immigration.

F*cking haters, i'm sick of these right-wingers!!

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But remenber, gov pat mccrory wants to postulate for president. He supported licenses for daca beneficiaries. A veto on this bill would look very negative on his curriculum as far as The latino vote. Remember why rommney lost the white white? Republican party cant mess with minorities anymore, they know it.

I want to be optimistic with this bill. Lets be positive. We can do this! Lol

White house*

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But remenber, gov pat mccrory wants to postulate for president. He supported licenses for daca beneficiaries. A veto on this bill would look very negative on his curriculum as far as The latino vote. Remember why rommney lost the white white? Republican party cant mess with minorities anymore, they know it.

I want to be optimistic with this bill. Lets be positive. We can do this! Lol

I'm a very optimistic guy but when you have a General Assembly as well as the Governorship in North Carolina that is overwhelmingly controlled by crazy republicans, then I have to be more realistic than optimistic. I'm sorry but I don't think that bill has the chance of passing. Those politicians in that state are supported by anti-immigrants constituents. :)

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There IS a slight chance it might pass.

Doubt it! Even if it does pass the NC General Assembly, the person who is in charge of signing bills into law (Governor) actually supports the do the math. ^_^

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