
Absolutely Great...rfe

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This is absolutely reidiculous..nearly 6 months months in, after my case is fucking transfered across the country, I get an RFE. I am just too pissed about this. I can't send anything else other than what I have sent. These people have to be the most irresponsible, stupid, lazy and arrogant human beings to work in an office. Like I said on another post, the cases sit there for months, because my case has been in initial review for 4 months now, and only almost 6 months later I get an RFE?? Fuck this! Don't put shit on initial review if you don't have opened the file for anything else other than to take the damn money order out! Idiots!

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Look at it this way as soon as you send the additional info they will approved you soon lets hope they ask for items you all ready send good luck to you and sometimes I feel the same is been 6 months since they received my application and still initial review: /

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I hope you don't get an RFE too. 6 months is a long time for files to be sitting there and not be looked at. :( and I hope this rfe doesnt have anything to do with my dates bc for that, I sent a signed statement from the bank manager saying that i have had an account for more than 7 years at the same bank. I tried to get individual statements, but the bank was chaging me 30 for each one and it was going to come out more than 2 grand and I definitely could not pay that, so the manager offered to sign for me, I hope they don't make me get all that stuff.

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Wiah we have similar dates, I did everything one day after u, oct 18 nov 17, what bank do u have? I hope I don't get one :(

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I hope you don't get an RFE too. 6 months is a long time for files to be sitting there and not be looked at. :( and I hope this rfe doesnt have anything to do with my dates bc for that, I sent a signed statement from the bank manager saying that i have had an account for more than 7 years at the same bank. I tried to get individual statements, but the bank was chaging me 30 for each one and it was going to come out more than 2 grand and I definitely could not pay that, so the manager offered to sign for me, I hope they don't make me get all that stuff.

What's the name of the bank? I asked for a letter to the manager of Bank of America and he said they are not authorized to do such thing and even if they did it would not be valid for any immigration process.

It is unfair how banks charge for statements, but if you have had the same account then you have access to old statements online.

I understand the frustration, but you knew very well the process would not be easy and fast.. please keep us updated!

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Citizens Bank in Massachusstts. It was an old friend who works there who signed for me. I didn't ask though, bc I had no idea he could do it, he was the one who offered bc he said he had other peope come in and ask for a signature for the process as well. And I sent the statements I had for the last 18 months that I had online for free.

Like I said, I dont know if this is the issue, I am yet to receive my RFE letter, I just got the email this afternoon. So, I don't know if the letter was the problem. I will keep everyone posted bc if this was the problem, then people will know not to send the same thing and have their process delayed.

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A Chase branch was trying to charge me $10/per statement,so I went to the one by my house and the girl was like "yeah no problem it will be a minute, BTW you can also print a verification on line" To tell you the truth I would had paid if necessary, DACA is an opportunity I wasn't willing to lose.

Good luck! Maybe they messed up on the status, you know how some people have gotten the RFE status change 'n they don't get the actual RFE...either way I'm sure you'll get approved soon

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It was a crazy beurocracy to get statements from Citizens Bank here in MA. The lady on the phone lied to me, and then changed the price, and I ended up asking for 3 or 4 months only of each year, and it still would cost me 120 per each year, it ended up costing almost 1000 for 7 years ...imagine if I had asked for all years and for all months. I just ended up getting what I had for free on the online file and the guy signed a letter for me. I am actually expecting them to ask me for somethng that is already there, they probably lost or overlooked something, I have reviewed everything I sent and I can't see that I have missed any dates or years. I am hoping that it is something regarding dates, if not, hopefully nothing serious.

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Gezinha, I don't know if this would help but here it goes ...

If you went to college or university, you can use your enrollment verification as evidence. It is called National Student Clearinghouse, it is a huge database that consists your info and your degree enrollment/verification.

If you have any type store cards, for example CVS,Safe Way, Giant, rite aid etc ... and you used it to make purchases at any time, you could call the companies corporate office to get your purchase history. I know for fact CVS keeps all its customers purchase history in some type of database because I use to work for them, and we used to tell customers who wants to get reimbursed for their medical related purchases from their health insurance company. If they say no, make sure you insist or ask them to escalate the call to upper managements.

You have lots other options as well. Don't let the RFE discourage you. Good luck

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Hey man..try getting statements for each month front page only. Thats what i did. Statements from 2007 only front page of each statement cost me $200. Completed statements would of cost me $2000.00.

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That sucks Gezinha , I hope that this doesn't happen to me since I've been waiting for almost 6 months since I sent the application. It would be ridiculous if they did since I sent a lot of proof. Anyway good luck with your RFE and you'll get approved!

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I checked today all the documents I sent. I sent stuff from every year, I can't send proof for every single month unless I pay a ridiculous amount for every statement the bank has ever been issued for my account. Hopefully they are requiting something that has to do with my dates and timeline and I can get it easily. I mean, have any RFEs been sent out for anything else other than timelines? I haven't seen anything here, does anyone know?

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I got an rfe to further clarify my name since my first passport to enter the country used my moms surnames and the second, and current, use my dad's and mom's last name.

On the app I specified the aliases I used. And also on the app I jotted how I'd like my legal name to be: first, middle, and only one last.

I'm not sure what the exact rfe notice says since it was only delivered to my lawyer so far. But he's already sent the clarification docs.

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I checked today all the documents I sent. I sent stuff from every year, I can't send proof for every single month unless I pay a ridiculous amount for every statement the bank has ever been issued for my account. Hopefully they are requiting something that has to do with my dates and timeline and I can get it easily. I mean, have any RFEs been sent out for anything else other than timelines? I haven't seen anything here, does anyone know?

my BF 'n other members from this forum were asked for court dispositions, have you been booked ever even if you didnt serve time 'cause as far as I know that's the only reason they'll ask for it.

How about employment history, paychecks or if private contractor contracts/agreements. Perhaps as Splif0clock recommended try to get transaction history anything that may help you.

I think someone from here used Facebook check ins...'can't remember who it was tho

Good luck!

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I got my discharge papers from court. I have no stop and shop, cvs, or anything like store cards under my name, my husband always gave me his extras. I got stopped a second time with no license but i didn't go to court, my uncle went because he is a cop, and he explained to them what happened and i was never told to go to court because he paid the ticket and it was cleared up. When i went after the discharge papers for that, they didn't have anything under my name, i went to 3 cities to see if the discharge papers had been misplaced, but nothing popped up. But the one court i did go to, i got the papers and it was clear. I am praying so hard this is about timelines and a date that is missing, or a document, I hope it is nothing about employment. I went to see an immigration lawyer who advised me to not send any paychecks with fake ssn and say i worked cash, and that is what I did. I said I worked cash on a cafetaria, part time job for 5 years. If they need dates I guess I will just pay for the statements with the dates they need. And I sent my marriage certificate and 3 passport that were old with my name and my visa and everything, I can't imagine what it is that they want. Well, I hope it gets here quickly.

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Ok it's rather a long story, you can read it here

I suggest you get everything and anything possible regarding those tickets better to have extras than not been prepare I always say, if they say there is nothing get them to give you a letter saying so and make sure it's stamped

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I actually have the ticket from the time the officer stopped me and actually let me drive home, but I didn't want to send if because I didn't have the discharge papers for it. I thought that in court they might've made the papers in my uncle's or my stepdad's name bc the car is under his name. If it is something regarding the ticket, I have it here and I will take it to a court and see if they have anything on it in their files. But I am really thinking they want more proof for 2009 because I onlu sent them my ITIN number sheet from when I received my number that year.

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Yeah, there were no records for my BF so to reply to the RFE he went to the PD to get a police report because the ticket would not be enough, but since it was so long ago they could provide one (they only keep records for 7 years) so we got a letter stating so.

I say better be ready for anything.

About the 2009, how about FB check ins? Any purchases you may be able to track down, like eBay?

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I definitely had all that, ebay, paypal acount, I also have some medical bills, i just didn't know I could send receipts from online purchases when I sent the application. I will go check on that ticket this week jus to make sure. Thanks.

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It seems to me like you haven't received your RFE letter yet, so you pretty much don't know what exactly they're re-guesting. I would just suggest that you wait for the letter to arrive before you start spending your money on those statements. They might just want to see evidence for specific months or they might what to see something else. Just calm down, don't stressed yourself out. At least now you have a sense of where your case is heading.

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I definitely had all that, ebay, paypal acount, I also have some medical bills, i just didn't know I could send receipts from online purchases when I sent the application. I will go check on that ticket this week jus to make sure. Thanks.

I sent a couple of PayPal transactions, the ones that show the transaction date 'n you name, my bf did too. Try getting a hold of these before you think in paying for anything else.

Good luck :D

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