Admin 174 Posted April 15, 2013 WASHINGTON, April 15 (UPI) -- Unauthorized immigrants may have to pay $2,000 as part of a bipartisan U.S. immigration reform plan, a person familiar with the talks told The New York Times. The fee, whose amount was not finalized but which would have to be paid before an immigrant could earn legal status, would include $500 when the person applies for a temporary work permit and $1,500 or so that the person would have 10 years to pay, before they apply for a green card, the person said. A Senate aide described the $2,000 figure to the Times as "significant but not impossible, punitive but not unreasonable." Democrats and immigration advocates had earlier pushed for a lower amount. The fees, reported Monday, came a day after Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., dismissed colleagues' fears the immigration overhaul that awards citizenship to people in the United States illegally would amount to amnesty. "It's not amnesty because you pay serious consequences for having violated the law," the first-term senator and possible 2016 presidential contender told NBC's "Meet the Press." The measure would boost the number of taxpaying Americans and be a "net positive for the country economically, now and in the future," Rubio told "Fox News Sunday" in one of seven Sunday talk show interviews he did on the five major networks, plus the Spanish-language Telemundo and Univision networks. The measure -- expected to be unveiled by Rubio and seven other senators of both parties as early as Tuesday -- calls for unauthorized immigrants who arrived in the United States on or before Dec. 31, 2011, to be allowed almost immediately to apply for temporary legal status that would let them live and work in the country. At the same time, the Department of Homeland Security would be required to monitor the nation's entire southwest border with Mexico -- and catch 90 percent of people trying to cross the border illegally, said Rubio, a member of the so-called Gang of Eight senators. "We are going to get the toughest enforcement measures in the history of this country," he told ABC's "This Week." In addition, the senators' plan also requires business owners to use the federal government's free, Web-based E-Verify system that checks new employees' immigration status. Washington would also have to identify each time a foreigner enters and exits the country, USA Today reported. If those benchmarks are reached, and after 10 years pass, unauthorized immigrants could apply for a green card, which grants permanent legal status. If approved, they could apply for U.S. citizenship three years later. "I'm very optimistic about it," Rubio said on the CBS News program "Face the Nation" in a reversal of the caution he expressed about the measure several weeks ago. The bill is expected to be examined by the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday. Rubio said lawmakers would have weeks to study the bill, but he also told CNN's "State of the Union" he expected unspecified lawmakers would introduce amendments "designed as poison pills" to doom the measure. "I'll oppose those if I know that's what they're for," he said. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who appeared on ABC's "This Week" after Rubio, said he was "not convinced" by his colleague's pitch. "I know Senator Rubio's heart is exactly right," he told the program. "And I really respect the work of the Gang of Eight. But they have produced legislation, it appears ... that will give amnesty now, legalize everyone that's here effectively today, and then there's a promise of enforcement in the future. "Even if you pass laws today that appear to be effective, it doesn't mean they're going to be enforced," Sessions said. Rubio said newly legalized immigrants wouldn't receive federal benefits during the 13 or so years it would take them to qualify for full legal citizenship. "This is an important point. No federal benefits, no food stamps, no welfare, no Obamacare," he said on Fox. "They have to prove they're gainfully employed," he said. "They have to be able to support themselves, so they'll never become a public charge." Rubio is a son of Cuban immigrants. Cuban immigrants, through the Cuban Refugee Adjustment Act, can become permanent U.S. residents after a year. Being a public charge doesn't make a Cuban ineligible to become a permanent resident. Source: 2 sanchez05 and lyssa reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pswa83 302 Posted April 15, 2013 a public charge?! HAHAHAHAHA, as opposed to ALL the Americans that are public charges. oh yeah, let's all one day get up in the morning and say, "hey, lets just do what so many Americans already do and sit at home, watch tv, and wait for a monthly check so we can live off other peoples money." I DONT THINK SO!!! also, while we're waiting to AOS in those 10 years, wont OUR tax money go to support those AMERICANS on welfare and what not?? moving on... $2000 seems reasonable. I mean, now that most of us have jobs and fingers crossed will still have jobs within the waiting time. i would be more interesting in seeing how much the application fee is going to be. along with any other applications we're going to need to file as well. 6 Santi, lyssa, stolenlacs and 3 others reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Santi 353 Posted April 15, 2013 ... Unauthorized immigrants may have to pay $2,000 as part of a bipartisan U.S. immigration reform plan... ... $500 when the person applies for a temporary work permit and $1,500 or so that the person would have 10 years to pay, before they apply for a green card, the person said... ...The measure would boost the number of taxpaying Americans and be a "net positive for the country economically, now and in the future..." . ...If those benchmarks are reached, and after 10 years pass, unauthorized immigrants could apply for a green card, which grants permanent legal status. If approved, they could apply for U.S. citizenship three years later... "...This is an important point. No federal benefits, no food stamps, no welfare, no Obamacare..." A couple of thoughts... The $2,000 fine ($500 application + $1,500) is not unreasonable, nor punitive and I would be glad to pay the amount. However, I don't like the fact that we would have to wait 10 years to get a Green Card, and 3 additional ones to receive citizenship...I wonder if we would be allowed to pay the fine and apply for a Green Card and get it faster than having to wait the 10 years, or if it didn't matter because they would make us wait anyway... My understanding from the article is that if the thresholds of border control are met in 10 years, we would be allowed to apply for a Green Card...So, what if the measures are met earlier? what if they are surpassed? Will there be a direct relationship between border control and performance and Green Card eligibility? In regards to the benefits, I do not mind if we are not eligible for them...we have been able to live without them (albeit some may be more burdened than others), so I would not mind not having them (personal opinion)... What I would like to see, though, is their approach towards us...Nowhere in the article (I did not see the interviews) do they describe how Dreamers stand to benefit from the overhaul...would we be allowed to apply for a green card significantly faster? If so, how fast? I assume that we will also have to pay the fine...How much will it be? Is the $2,000 fine standardized across the board, or would we have to pay more? Less? Let us see how things unfold in the next couple of days, and their specific language...not that rhetorical BS by which The Hill is infamous for... 3 lyssa, engineer2mike and Gezinha reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 15, 2013 I am still waiting to see what news there are in regards to travelling outside the country. I am very happy it is going to be only 2,000 per person, and not 2,000 every years we havent paid taxes, as was said a month or so ago. I just want to travel and see my family, that is all, I can work to support myself, and so can thousands of Americans living on welfare. Seriously now, we don't get anything and still pay taxes? We better get extra fucking taxes back at the end of the year then, cause this is seriously ridiculous. No words to explain the frustration it causes me to see Rubio all up in his high horse making decisions for people who he has no idea in what conditions of life they live under. Seriously, goddamn it! The reason immigrants flee their country, sometimes in fear for their own lives, it is not to be a couch potato like Honey Boo Boo's family ok, it is to work, the exact freaking opposite of what welfare people do. I think they are scared that their 400 dollars checks won't come anymore if all the illegals get rights, you know, they think we are probably going to join them in milking off the government. I just want to go see my mother people!!!!!!!!!!! 3 engineer2mike, Santi and lyssa reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Santi 353 Posted April 15, 2013 I am still waiting to see what news there are in regards to travelling outside the country. I am very happy it is going to be only 2,000 per person, and not 2,000 every years we havent paid taxes, as was said a month or so ago. I just want to travel and see my family, that is all, I can work to support myself, and so can thousands of Americans living on welfare. Seriously now, we don't get anything and still pay taxes? We better get extra fucking taxes back at the end of the year then, cause this is seriously ridiculous. No words to explain the frustration it causes me to see Rubio all up in his high horse making decisions for people who he has no idea in what conditions of life they live under. Seriously, goddamn it! The reason immigrants flee their country, sometimes in fear for their own lives, it is not to be a couch potato like Honey Boo Boo's family ok, it is to work, the exact freaking opposite of what welfare people do. I think they are scared that their 400 dollars checks won't come anymore if all the illegals get rights, you know, they think we are probably going to join them in milking off the government. I just want to go see my mother people!!!!!!!!!!! Menina, I totally understand your frustration and believe, you, me...I share it with all my heart...I also want to travel and visit, and blah blah However, I would not mind waiting a couple more years, as long as I am able to work without any fear whatsoever...I would settle with a Permanent Residency with a ban to travel to Colombia for a couple of years...I don't mind at all... I just want to see some significant progress being made in the Hill...Enough is enough! Also, Rubio is full of shit! He doesn't know what a particular immigrant goes through...Cubans, although they are immigrants themselves, are the outliers...the exceptions to the rule...Wet Feet, Dry Feet allows them to be naturalized in about a year, as stated in the article and the law itself...So, I just want the media to stop highlighting his Cuban background, and I want to hear someone who genuinely understands what all of us go through... It would be awesome if we got the same treatment as the immigrants coming into Ellis Island did back in late 19th - early 20th century...Stamp, sign, welcome and go! 3 Gezinha, lyssa and engineer2mike reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theaviator360 4 Posted April 15, 2013 Are they getting the same thing work permits? like us? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 15, 2013 I believe so, but for longer, I guess since they will have 10 years to apply for a green card, it makes no sense to give them a work permit with limited validity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pswa83 302 Posted April 15, 2013 until anything solid comes out then we cant guess as to who is going to get what and when or how long it's going to take. some people, may only have to wait a few yrs before being able to apply for citizenship and others may have to wait much longer. will everyone, across the line, think it's fair, NO. but with issues such as this, not everyone is going to be happy. Are they getting the same thing work permits? like us? whose "they" and why wouldnt they get a work permit?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 16, 2013 I think "they" means the people that do not have a ssn or authorization right now, and they will eventually fall under the new law when approved and receive documentation. 1 theaviator360 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theaviator360 4 Posted April 16, 2013 until anything solid comes out then we cant guess as to who is going to get what and when or how long it's going to take. some people, may only have to wait a few yrs before being able to apply for citizenship and others may have to wait much longer. will everyone, across the line, think it's fair, NO. but with issues such as this, not everyone is going to be happy. whose "they" and why wouldnt they get a work permit?? Yes i meant the people that are undocumented that dont have SSN or Legal stattus.And what about us? the dreamers? for example are we paying $2000 too? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 16, 2013 I think, most likely we will all be paying for this, since it is an application fee for residency. It is for paperwork, so, no matter what, all of us who want into the new law, will be paying. 1 theaviator360 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Santi 353 Posted April 16, 2013 Yes i meant the people that are undocumented that dont have SSN or Legal stattus.And what about us? the dreamers? for example are we paying $2000 too? I think, most likely we will all be paying for this, since it is an application fee for residency. It is for paperwork, so, no matter what, all of us who want into the new law, will be paying. The application fee is about $500. The 'fine' will be about $1,500, according to the rough draft. Could be more, but I don't think it will be less. I wouldn't mind paying $5,000 if that would mean that I would be eligible for a Green Card in 2 years! Let's just see what is submitted to Congress. I know the 'reform talk' will be delayed due to the events in Boston... I guess we'll just have to be patient... ...yep, the Gif has nothing to do with the topic...big woop, wanna fight about it? lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roadrunner11 167 Posted April 16, 2013 I honestly wouldn't mind paying for fees. I just want my green card and for my family to get theirs too. 1 pswa83 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 16, 2013 I couldn't care less about the fees, but if they are going to charge, they should make this fair to us. If we are going to be citizens of this country and green car holders, we should have the ability to use all the services like everyone else. I don't believe a large amount of people are doing this because they wanna live off the government, obviously, but you never know when you might lose your job, or need some assistance, especially bc many of us have children. I don't, but what if I do and I have quit my job or something? It is a worst case scenario, but it is not fair to charge us, make us wait 10 years and not give us anything at all. Are we not equal to everyone else? I understand that it is not even a question because "we broke the law" or whatever, but honestly, this is not treatment anyone deserves, we, the ones who arrives as children, are not at fault here. I just hope that this law will pass and I can see my family in less than 10 years, hopefully. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonatiuh 12 Posted April 18, 2013 Who cares about the money !!! C'mon people give me a break for real cant believe that after allege years living in the USA illegally some of u can't afford 2g's to become legal c'mon !!!! 1 Gezinha reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonatiuh 12 Posted April 18, 2013 (After all the years) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 18, 2013 Agreed, if I could pay more to make the process faster, I would as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonatiuh 12 Posted April 18, 2013 I know, me too!! I don't know what some people been doing all these years that can't even afford 2G's to become legal lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gezinha 121 Posted April 18, 2013 Exactly. This is the time to prove to those against us, that we can provide for ourselves, money is not the reason we are, and that we are here because we love this country as much as they do. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tonatiuh 12 Posted April 18, 2013 I couldn't have said any better than that ยก! (High Five) 1 Gezinha reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites