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How To Change Ssn With Current Employer?

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I've been at my job for over half a year, my manager is super cool and she knows everything about the process I had to go through to get a SSN. I'd like to change the SSN i have on file to the one that was issued to me, but neither of us have any idea how to go about this. Would she have to explain to her higher ups the situation, or can we just say something among the lines that my work permit was renewed and a new social was issued? (I have no idea if that even happens) I work way too hard to not get taxes back, and I would appreciate any tips!


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I'm on the same boat. I've been at my job for about 4 years and don't know how to change my SSN. :(

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Ask your manager to issue a new e-verify?

The other option would be to be fired for 2 weeks and then come back and fill out the job application with the real information.

She can always say there was an error in your application (as long as the only error is the ssn).

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How about just say that you need to update your SSN? If it requires a new I-9, it's all good since it's legit. That's what I'm going to do with all my clients that I've filled out W-9s with as well as with my bank.

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